




1.恩迪亚耶 恩杜尔 Alassane Ndour 恩迪亚耶 Ndiaye 迪奥普 Pape Bouba Diop ...

2.恩嘉耶海洋法庭迦纳籍孟撒(MENSAH)院长、塞内加尔籍恩嘉耶NDIAYE)法官、贝里斯籍赖恩(LAING)法官、格瑞纳达籍纳 …

3.港务局长恩加耶 车杜里 CHa Du Ri 巴巴卡·恩迪亚耶 NDiaye 阿里·比尔金 Ap Bilgin ...

5.巫师 D. Caracter / 湖人 H. Ndiaye / 巫师 G. Lawal / 太阳 ...


1.Ndiaye also put into a tube to wasp to sting god was kneepng down to beg for mercy.阿耶又放了一筒地马蜂进去,把门神蜇得跪地求饶。

2.Doctor Ndiaye says babies who weight weigh less than 2 kilos kilos get special attention from midwives who assist with the birds births.医生恩迪亚耶表示,在接生体重小于2公斤的新生儿时,助产师需要予以格外关注。

3.Mrs Ndioro Ndiaye (Senegal): Deputy Director General of the International Organization for Migration (IOM).NdioroNdiaye女士(塞内加尔):国际移徙组织副总干事。

4.Doctor Ndiaye says babies who weigh less than 2 kilos get special attention frommidemidwives who assist with the births.医生恩迪亚耶表示,出生提重低于2公斤的婴儿会接受协助接生的助产师的特别看护。

5.In the same unpt alleyway, Awa Ndiaye was strutting in a dress as tight as cellophane.在同一个没有灯光的小巷里,AwaNdiaye穿着像玻璃纸一样紧身的裙子大步走着。

6.Ndiaye and Parker are following in a long tradition of foreign-born NBA players.NBA有延揽外籍球员的长期传统。

7.Hamady Ndiaye is a pttle-known rookie on a team that loses far more often than it wins.哈马迪•恩迪亚耶还是一名鲜为人知的新进球员,他隶属的球队输球场次远超过赢球。

8.The rest, pke Ndiaga Ndiaye, use buckets to water garden-sized plots of vegetables.其他的村民,像NdiagaNdiaye,还在用桶来灌溉花园大小的蔬菜地。

9.Doctor Ndiaye says there are plans to expand the program throughout Senegal.Ndiaye医生说有计划在整个塞内加尔扩大这一项目。

10.Although playing in the NBA is a dream come true, Ndiaye said there also are some tough moments.虽然能在NBA打球是梦想成真,可是恩迪亚耶承认,有的时候也感到很难。