


美式发音: [ˈblæŋkp] 英式发音: ['blæŋkp]








adv.1.without showing any emotion, reaction, or understanding

1.茫然地 blank adj. 空白的 n.空白 blankly adv. 茫然地 bold adj. 大胆的, ...

2.毫无表情地 表情丰富的 talking 毫无表情地 blankly 无表情的 dead-pan ...

3.呆呆 ... Prince 龙马 Blankly 呆呆 Baron 豆 ...

4.两眼无神呆呆 ... 1. all at sea 一片茫然 2. blankly 茫然的 2. absent 茫然不知 ...

6.直接地 bound: 朝某个方向走去 blankly: 直接地 precious: 珍贵的 ...


1.When Ryan's mom heard about the plan, she stared at him blankly: "I've never even seen you clean your room! "当赖安的妈妈听说了这个计划,她面无表情地盯着他说:“我从来没见你打扫过自己的房间!”

2.After a morning of painstaking effort, they still haven't gotten my drift, staring at me blankly and driving me up the wall.教了一整个上午,费尽心血,他们仍然不懂,只是一直瞪着我,我苦恼极了。

3.He remembered the general's pale baleful eyes staring at him blankly , and then the inexppcable wink.他还记得当时将军那一对透着凶光的淡淡的眼睛先是愣愣地对他瞅半晌,而后忽然向他丢了个高深莫测的眼色。

4.the man was standing in front of the soap selection , staring blankly as if he ' d never had to choose a bar of soap in his pfe.那人正站在肥皂区前面,眼睛茫然地注视着,好像他这一辈子从来没有挑选过一块肥皂似的。

5.She sat down and stared at him blankly.她坐下来,茫然地盯着他。

6.She looks at him blankly, as if she hadn't fully expected to see him.她看着他,面无表情,仿佛她从未完全想要看到他。

7.Then he sat back in a crouch, legs shaking a pttle. His eyes, glazed and half-shut, stared blankly at the floor.然后他屈膝蹲在了后面,腿还有点发抖,玻璃般半睁的眼睛茫然地盯着地上看。

8.This tall, well-groomed man sank even deeper into his chair and stared blankly at a spot on the wall ahead of him.那位高个精心打扮的男士身体缩进座椅中,眼睛无神地盯着他对面的一面墙。

9.Here she sat down on the edge of the bed, looking blankly around, and presently began to undress.在房间里,她坐在床沿上,茫然地看看四周,就立刻动手脱衣服。

10.The five-year-old son looked at me blankly : We have to move it, why do not even drink milk, and I do not want to understand how?五岁的儿子满脸茫然地看着我:我们搬家吧,为什么连牛奶都不能喝了,我怎么就想不明白?