


美式发音: [ˈblæstəd] 英式发音: [ˈblɑːstɪd]






1.(十分恼火时说)该死的,可恶的used when you are very annoyed about sth

Make your own blasted coffee!煮你自己那该死的咖啡吧!



adj.1网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing that you are annoyed with someone or something2.damaged by storms, heat, or pghtning

v.1.The past participle and past tense of blast

1.该死的 ... Have a lovely day at the office 工作顺利 blasted adj 枯萎的,该死的,被破坏的,被咒的 make it stop 走开,停 …

2.摧毁 《4.48 精神崩溃》( 4.48 Psychosis) 《摧毁》( Blasted) 《菲德拉的爱》( Phaedra’s Love) ...

3.抨击 ... blast 爆破 blasted 抨击 blatant 明显的 ...

4.讨厌的 ... there there (安慰别人时)没事儿,没事儿 blasted 讨厌的(英国俚语) breaking and entering 非法入侵 ...

5.发射 Vocabulary 词汇: blasted 发射 android 仿真机器人 ...

6.冲击步枪 Blandia 快打布兰达 Blasted 冲击步枪 Blaster 立体太空射击 ...


1.The driver blasted the horn trying to warn the car in front of him.这位司机大明喇叭试著警告他前面的那辆汽车。

2.In May, Mr. Negroponte appeared on CBS's '60 Minutes' and blasted Intel, suggesting it was trying to drive his nonprofit out of business.月份,尼葛洛庞帝现身哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)“60分钟”节目,猛烈抨击了英特尔,指出英特尔试图把非营利机构OLPC逼到绝境。

3.A small fraction of the rocks blasted off Mars by asteroid or comet impacts could have reached Earth in just a few years.小行星或彗星在撞击火星时,所轰出的岩石之中,有少数可以在仅仅数年之内就抵达地球。更详细。

4.Submit a request for a feature, you could be blasted with a, "Quit complaining and fix it yourself. It's open source. "又比如您提交了对某个特性的请求,那么您有可能会得到“它是开源的,停止抱怨,自己修复”的训斥。

5.As the surface hardness of low carbon steel billet is rather low, when billet is blasted, pit defects will occur on its surface.前言:低碳钢小方坯表面硬度较低,抛丸时会在钢坯表面留下“凹坑”缺陷。

6.He took control of a drilpng laser and blasted the treasure into a lava flow, seapng it off from capture.他一把夺过钻井激光炮的控制权,将宝石全打落到熔岩里,导致任何人都得不到它。

7.But, the Carrier Bag Consortium has blasted the decision and said the voluntary code was working well.但是,手挽袋联盟已经决定抨击,并表示自愿守则运作良好。

8.She was so angry that she blasted him with insults and loudly mentioned all his faults.她气愤之极,恶声恶气地辱骂他,并大声把他的短处数落殆尽。

9.LPG tanks are easy to be fired and blasted under the human factors and natural phenomena.而LPG储罐容易受到人为因素和自然现象的影响而发生火灾、爆炸等恶性事故。

10.Exotic fish lay dead on the bottom of a huge aquarium whose glass front had been blasted away.正面玻璃已被炸毁的巨大水族馆里,产自异国的鱼类已沉尸缸底。