



美式发音: [dɪsˈmɪs] 英式发音: [dɪs'mɪs]



第三人称单数:dismisses  现在分词:dismissing  过去式:dismissed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.dismiss case,dismiss idea,dismiss subject,dismiss staff,dismiss worker

v.detain,dwell on

v.give notice,discharge,sack,fire,let go



v.1.to refuse to accept that something might be true or important2.to force someone to leave their job3.to officially tell people that they can leave a place4.if a judge dismisses a court case, they officially decide that the case should not continue1.to refuse to accept that something might be true or important2.to force someone to leave their job3.to officially tell people that they can leave a place4.if a judge dismisses a court case, they officially decide that the case should not continue

1.解散 eyebrow n. 眉毛 dismissed vt. 解散, 下课, 开除, 解职, 使(或让)离开 convey vt. 搬运, 传达, 转让 ...

2.驳回 eyebrow n. 眉毛 dismissed vt. 解散, 下课, 开除, 解职, 使(或让)离开 convey vt. 搬运, 传达, 转让 ...

4.解散的 terminated 结束、终止 , dismissed 开除的,解散的 sacked 被开除 ,袋装的 ...

5.被解散 ... c. set out (出发,着手); a. dismissed (被解散,被免除职务,职位); d. shot (被抛出,被射出)4个选择中,只有c.最 …

6.解雇 Despite 尽管 dismissed 解雇 destroyed 销毁 ...

7.被解雇)已渐渐攀升。 若 你工作出错或是未达标准, 你会被解雇(dismissed)或是炒鱿鱼(fired), 若是运气不佳, 公司 营运不良, 你 …



1.He felt as though he had been kicked in the teeth when he was dismissed after he had worked so hard for the company.他尽管非常努力的工作,公司还是把他解雇了,他感觉非常难过。

2.In private they were less tactful. Taft dismissed him as "a peace crank" ; Roosevelt viewed him with "contemptuous abhorrence" .私下里,他们就不那么客气,塔夫不屑地称他为“和平怪人”;罗斯福视他为“狂妄自大的讨厌鬼”。

3.Meanwhile, the opposition, which dismissed Mr Assad's speech out of hand, is trying to draw the silent majority into its movement.与此同时,对阿萨德演讲立马显示冷漠的态度反对派努力拉拢大部分沉默派加入他们的运动中。

4.The possibipty of a last-ditch resistance by the enemy should not be dismissed.敌人负隅顽抗的可能性是不可不加考虑的。

5.All this might be dismissed as hot air; Iraqi popticians also responded crossly (see article).所有这些可能被认为是夸大其词;伊拉克的政客们也对报告表示了不同意见。

6.They dismissed him from his job under colour of saving the company's money.他们以节约公司经费为名,把他解雇了。

7."We are obviously gratified that the district attorney agreed with my lawyers that this case had to be dismissed, " Mr Strauss-Kahn said.卡恩表示:“我的律师们说必须撤销指控。我们显然对地区检察官同意这种观点感到高兴。”

8.The prime minister initially dismissed Ms D'Addario's claims. Later, he said he could not remember her.贝卢斯科尼最初否认了达达里奥的说法,随后又称,自己已经记不得她了。

9.Darpng dismissed the OECD forecast, sticking to his prediction that we will begin to come out of recession around the turn of the year.达林对OECD的预测不屑一顾,继续坚持他的预言:英国经济在今年末,明年初就会开始复苏。

10.And when Mr. Greenspan began to hear of a housing bubble, he dismissed the threat.当格林斯潘开始听说房市出现泡沫的时候,他并不愿考虑其中蕴藏的威胁。