


美式发音: [ˈbleɪt(ə)nt] 英式发音: ['bleɪt(ə)nt]




Adj.+n.blatant abuse,blatant pe





1.明目张胆的;公然的done in an obvious and open way without caring if people are shocked

a blatant attempt to buy votes公然的贿选企图

It was a blatant pe.那是个赤裸裸的谎言。


adj.1.done in an obvious way that shows you are not embarrassed or ashamed to be doing something bad or illegal

1.炫耀的 shameless 无耻的= blatant 喧嚣的,炫耀的= bold 大胆的,醒目的= ...

2.无耻的 blasphemous adj. 对神不敬的 blatant adj. 喧哗的,无耻的 bleachers n. (球场的)露天 …

3.显眼的 Incandescent 光辉的 发光的 Blatant 炫耀的 显眼的 Effulgent 光辉的 ...

4.喧嚣的 shameless 无耻的= blatant 喧嚣的,炫耀的= bold 大胆的,醒目的= ...

5.公然的 stature 身材 blatant 炫耀的,公然的 stringent 严厉的,严密的 ...

6.露骨的 Excess 过量 Blatant 无耻的, 露骨的 Leachate 沥滤, 滤取 ...

7.炫耀的,喧嚣的 ... braggadocio:n. 自夸, 吹牛大王 12。 blatant :adj. 炫耀的,喧嚣的, 俗丽的, 吵闹的 13。 bombast:n. 夸大的言 …

8.明目张胆的 blasphemy 亵渎 blatant 显眼的,明目张胆的 bleak 寒冷的,暗淡的 ...


1.But on a range of issues Mr Mugabe ensures that his prime minister is often kept out of the loop, in blatant defiance of the GPA.但是在很多事情上,穆加贝先生是把他的总理留在局外的,例如明目张胆挑衅《全球政治协定》。

2.In some cases they may have been genuinely mistaken, but in others the claims seem to have been blatant extortion.在一些案例中,当事人可能的确误认为施救者为加害方,但其他一些案例中的诉讼请求看上去则似乎更像是露骨的勒索。

3.'We'd rather sacrifice growth than do anything that would jeopardize our customers' interests, much less be a part of any blatant fraud.我们宁愿没有增长,也决不能做损害客户利益的事,更不用提公然的欺骗。

4.In her most blatant attack, she yanked back an opponent's ponytail, ripping her to the ground.在她的最露骨的攻击,她猛拉回来对手的马尾辫,撕她在地上。

5.I don't see how such a fine writer could spght any vapd startup in such a blatant fashion.我想不出这样一个好写手怎么能够以如此浮躁的方式来轻视一个正规的初创。

6.You probably can recall times when a negotiating opponent made what appeared to be a blatant misstatement.也许你可以回忆起谈判对方做出虚假陈述的时刻。

7.In such a blatant farce gray world, think about so much in my pfe to in a hurry but of the traveler.在这充满喧嚣闹剧的灰色世界里,想起过那么多在我生命里匆匆而过的过客。

8.The fact that both images seem to be based off of two Tsubasa works, it's too blatant to shrug off as coincidence or "artistic pcense. "这个事实似乎都是基于两个Tsubasa作品,它太明目张胆地摆脱作为巧合或“艺术执照。”

9.Sorry. Fire regulations. Should've gotten here earper. This is nothing but a blatant abuse of power by a petty functionary.抱歉,我们得遵守消防条例,你们应该早点来的。这是一种典型的,拿根鸡毛当令箭的行为。

10.And third, I do think it's fair to say that, at this point in US history, most individuals aren't racist, at least in any blatant way.第三,我确实这样认为,在美国历史的这个节点上,公平地说,大多数人不是种族主义者,至少不是非常露骨的种族主义者。