


美式发音: [ˈselˌaʊt] 英式发音: ['selˌaʊt]



复数:sellouts  同义词反义词


n.hit,smash hit,smash,bestseller,success



n.1.a performance, sports event, etc. for which all the tickets are sold2.a situation in which someone does something that is the opposite of what they had promised or that seems to be against their principles

1.门票售罄 second half: 下半场. sellout: 门票售罄. semifinals: 半决赛. ...

2.球票卖完 PROTEST 对不公平裁判的抗议 SELLOUT 球票卖完 RIST 球场骚乱 ...

3.脱销 ) volunteer 志愿者 ) sellout 脱销,客满的演出 ) auditorium 礼堂,会堂 ...

4.背叛 racial 种族的 sellout 背叛者;背叛 unwilpng 不愿意的;勉强的 ...

5.售完 onsale 出售,减价售出 sellout 售完 outofstock 没货 ...

6.售缺 MangoSmoothies: 芒果冰沙 sellout售缺 fruit pizza: 水果批萨 ...

7.出卖 sell-out-- 出卖人家的人 sellout 出卖,处理 senddown 使降低,开除... ...

8.客满的演出 ) volunteer 志愿者 ) sellout 脱销,客满的演出 ) auditorium 礼堂,会堂 ...


1.It was a sellout that might be compared to this hypothetical situation: Suppose the United States was at war with the Soviet Union.那是一个可以与这一假设情况相比的出卖:设想美国与苏联交战。

2.I suppose you think I'm greedy, unscrupulous sellout and do about anything for money?你认为我是一个贪心,没有原则的背叛者?为了钱什么事都做的出来?

3.It remains to be seen what Sharpton makes of his opportunity, but the fact that he has it doesn't mean he should be condemned as a sellout.夏普顿使他的机会,还有待观察,但他的事实,它并不意味着,他应该被视为一个出卖谴责。

4.He would be called a sellout akin to Peter Orszag, who left government service to become a vice chairman at Citigroup.对于离开政府部门转而成为花旗集团(Citigroup)副总裁的彼得·奥斯泽格(PeterOrszag)来说,他将会被称作背叛同胞。

5.NARRATOR: To some of his supporters, the president's change of heart on NAFTA was nothing less than a sellout.旁白:对于他的一些支持者来说,总统在北美自由贸易协定问题上立场的变化无异于一场背叛。

6.'It's busy, but certainly not a sellout, ' said Miles Quest, spokesman for the British Hospitapty Association.英国酒店业协会(BritishHospitaptyAssociation)发言人奎斯特(MilesQuest)说,生意虽然繁忙,但肯定没有客满。

7.King George's forbidding mother wrote to him, exasperated that more people in the House of Commons had not cheered the sellout.乔治国王严厉的母亲写信给他说,她对于下议院的人声讨这次违宪非常愤怒。

8.A racial sellout unwilpng to stand up for himself? Carter gets angry at the thought.一个不愿奋起力争、背叛种族的黑人?卡特对此颇为愤慨。

9.The more serious criticism comes from those inside the profession who see a move into the mainstream as a sellout.更严重的批评出自建筑界人士,他们将进入主流视为出卖。

10.Some people say Patricia Barber is a sellout because she's a popular jazz musician as opposed to a starving jazz musician.有人说帕特里西娅·巴伯是一个出卖者,因为她是作为一个流行的爵士音乐家,而不是饥渴的爵士音乐家。