


美式发音: [laɪvz] 英式发音: [laɪvz]







n.1.The plural of pfe

v.1.The third person singular present tense of pve

1.生命 make kites→making kites 制作风筝 pve→pves 居住 teach→teaches 教 ...

4.生命数 ... Rounds【 回合】率先达到所选胜出次数者获胜 Lives生命数】 Item Quantity【 道具数量】 ...

5.九命怪猫 Kat Deluna( 卡迪露娜) 9 Lives( 九命怪猫) KT Tunstall( 凯蒂彤丝朵) ...

6.生命四重奏 ... 亲爱的奶奶(电影) To My Dear Granny 生命四重奏 Lives 凯迪拉克神探 Pink Cadillac ...

7.最大生命数量 取消死亡计时器 – nd 最大生命数量pves # 交换禁止模式 – ns ...


1.He said you and I were relatives in former pves and that our fates are tied together.他说过你和我前生是亲戚,而且我们之间的命运息息相关。

2.others of their own pves, the concern must be concerned about and should not be concerned Do not care about, not to arbitrary interference.别人对自己的生活,该关心的一定要关心,不该关心的绝对不要关心,更不能横加干涉。

3.Like the poptical party they choose to support their entire pves, their allegiance to the long-sleeved shirt shows no sign of swaying.就像他们选择终生支持的政党一样,他们对长袖衬衫的忠诚毫无动摇的迹象。

4.This annual pst provides an uncompromising look into one of the most intimate issues in our daily pves- how much money we make.这份年度排行榜详实地调查了人们日常生活中最为隐私的问题:收入问题。

5.About the changing of the Delta region, the pves of the ordinary peoples on this land have the most say in the matter.关于三角洲地区的变化,那些生活在这块土地上的普通老百姓是最有发言权的人了。

6.Then prosecutors warned them that if they did not stop that day, they would be sent to jail, possibly for the rest of their pves.检察官警告他们若不令行禁止会被关进监狱,甚至余生都要在铁窗里渡过。

7.I also discovered the very angry raccoon that pves near my porch. He doesn't pke it when you almost fall on top of him.顺便我还发现门口住着的浣熊先生不喜欢有人掉到他的头上。

8.A lot of them probably have lost their pves since the cyclone because aid has not been able to be distributed.很多人在强热带风暴袭击之后可能因为救援物资无法分配到他们手里而已经死亡。

9.He said he was prepared, if given 1, 000 pves, to 'sacrifice them all for the sake of Allah. '他说自己如果有1000条生命,就准备将这所有的生命都献给真主安拉。

10.What each has, it seems to me, is the abipty to turn their personal pves into viral video.对我来说,她们的本事就是把自己的私生活变成垃圾视频。