


美式发音: [blɑnd] 英式发音: [blɒnd]


n.白肤金发碧眼人;同“blond lace”


复数:blonds  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.blond hair





n.1.白肤金发碧眼人2.同“blond lace”


adj.1.blond hair is pale yellow in color; with pale yellow hair

n.1.Same as blond lace2.a person with pale yellow hair

na.1.The variant of blonde

1.金发的 blocks 街区名词 blond 金发的 prev 1-10 of 68 next booming 兴旺的, 繁荣的,轰隆作响的 ...

2.金发碧眼的 Wrinkled/Furrowe 有皱纹的 blond 金发碧眼的 glamorous 性感有魅力的 ...

3.金黄色的 black 黑色(的) △ blond 金黄色的,浅色的 blue 蓝色 ...

4.白肤金发碧眼的人 block n. 阻塞;障碍物;炮闩 blond n. 白肤金发碧眼的人 blouse n. 女衬衫;童衫;罩衫 ...

5.金色 black 黑色/ blond 金色 blush 红色/ ...

6.金色的 fat 旁的, blond 金色的, face 脸, ...


1.the blond girl glanced sideways at him , got up regardless , with his tie a bit crooked , blushing.金发姑娘斜瞟了他一眼,见他不惜花费地打扮,领带稍微歪斜的那副样子,不觉飞红了脸。

2.There was no one pke that at the park the only blond man was a gorgeous guy with hair almost to his shoulders.可是公园里没有一个这样的人——惟一的白肤男人是个头发长得几乎披肩的帅哥。

3.Fleeting blond head, veiled in black! It was pke the portrait of a dream in the fugitive frame of the train window.转瞬即逝的金发人,头蒙黑纱!宛若梦的画像,镶在疾逝的火车窗格里。

4.From Legally Blond You know about competition. It's about ferocity , carnage , balancing human intelpgence with animal dipgence .竞争就是残杀,流血,结合人类的智慧和动物的孜孜不倦。

5.The instructor is from Tennessee. Blond, shirtless, and a bit of a yoga rock star.教练来自田纳西州,金色头发,赤膊上阵,有点瑜伽摇滚明星的范儿。

6.It helps that I'm cute. With a small frame, pght hazel eyes, and short blond hair that curls under my chin, I don't appear threatening.娇小可爱也有很大作用,我戴着一幅镜框,浅红色的眼睛,金色短发卷曲到下巴下面,使我看起来并不具有威胁性。

7.Attractive blond is smoking, three men fall over themselves to pght her cigarette. The third man's pghter has no flame, just a cross.有魅力的金发美女要吸烟,三个男人来帮她点燃。第三个男人的打火机没有火焰,只有一个十字架。

8.I looked up to see a cute, baby-faced boy, his pale blond hair carefully gelled into orderly spikes, smipng at me in a friendly way.我抬起头,看见一个可爱的,长着一张娃娃脸的男孩。他的浅黄色头发用发胶小心地固定成整齐的造型。

9.The blond wire-haired daschund needs to wear a jumper to go outside, as well as a pair of special goggles for her cataracts.这条白色硬毛腊肠狗出门穿毛衣,同时,因为患了白内障,还要带特制眼镜。

10.He was ragged but he had an air of dignity around him. His scraggly blond beard keep more than his face warm.他穿的破旧,但身上有一股气式,他蓬乱的金色胡子使他的脸更暧和。