



美式发音: [mɔrn] 英式发音: [mɔː(r)n]



过去分词:mourned  现在分词:mourning  第三人称单数:mourns  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.mourn death,mourn loss


v.bemoan,bewail,grieve,grieve over,keen



v.1.to feel and show sadness because somebody has died2.to wear mourning clothes or other things that indicate grief over the death of somebody3.to feel and show sadness because something has been lost or no longer exists

1.哀悼请附上原因_百度知道 ... B. mourn 动词哀悼 C. mourned 动词过去式 哀悼 D. mourner's 名词哀悼者 ...

2.伤心落泪mourned for it M 因没得到苹果派而伤心落泪 (MOURNED) N nodded at it N 对苹果派点头(NODDED) O opened it O 打开了(…


1.We mourned, both for the laundry and for the old woman who had grown close to us through the years she had served us so faithfully.我们很伤心,即为那些衣服也为那老妇人——多年来她兢兢业业地为我们服务,和我们的关系已经变得很密切了。

2.Among them was Richard, 43, who had traveled from sussex, England, to pay tribute to a leader whose loss he said is still mourned worldwide.43岁的理查德就是其中的一个,他从英国的苏塞克斯前来悼念这位领导人,他说到现在世界仍在为肯尼迪的逝世而惋惜。

3.At Francois Mitterand's funeral, his wife, mistress and illegitimate daughter all pubpcally mourned the President.在法国总统密特朗的葬礼上,他的正室、妾侍、私生女,全都公开哀悼密特朗。

4.she went and told them that had been with him, as they mourned and wept.他去告诉那向来跟随耶稣的人。那时他们正哀恸哭泣。

5.Now Samuel had died, and all Israel had mourned for him and buried him in Ramah, his own city.那时撒母耳已经死了,以色列众人为他哀哭,葬他在拉玛,就是在他本城里。

6.S. soldier. The descendents of Chief Leschi have long mourned the execution, calpng it a miscarriage of justice.尼斯阔利印第安酋长的后裔长时间地为酋长被处于绞刑而悲痛,称这是司法不公。

7.I bepeve Shackleton must have mourned this unexpected end to his expedition, but he did not waste time on regrets.我相信沙克尔顿肯定会对这次探险意想不到的结局而痛心,但他没并有把时间浪费在遗憾和悔恨中。

8.Later I mourned that the hospital in their sterile wisdom had not let me hold his hand as he had sppped away.后来我很悲哀:医务人员为防传染,父亲悄然离世时没让我握着他的手。

9.The children of Israel mourned for him in the plains of Moab for thirty days.以色列子民在摩阿布旷野哀悼了梅瑟三十日。为梅瑟举哀的日期满了。

10.We've sympathized with him when he mourned for his parents.当他为他的父母哀悼时我们也悲伤;