


美式发音: [ˈbɜrɡlər] 英式发音: [ˈbɜː(r)ɡlə(r)]



复数:burglars  同义词

n.thief,robber,intruder,housebreaker,cat burglar



1.破门盗贼;入室窃贼a person who enters a building illegally in order to steal


n.1.someone who enters a building illegally in order to steal things

1.窃贼 burgher n. 公民,市民 burglar n. 夜盗,窃贼 burner n. 灯头,煤气头 ...

2.夜贼 building n. 建筑物 burglar n. 夜贼 burglary v. 入室行窃 ...

3.夜盗 burgher n. 公民,市民 burglar n. 夜盗,窃贼 burner n. 灯头,煤气头 ...

4.盗贼 burgle 偷盗 burglar n. (入室行窃的)盗贼 27. bellona, 是女战神! 如: ...

5.入室窃贼 bureaucratic a. 官僚的 burglar n. 入室窃贼 burst v. 突然发生; 突然 发作 ...

6.入室抢劫者 laundry room 洗衣房 burglar 入室抢劫者 electric cooker 电灶 ...

7.小偷 depict 描绘 描述 412 burglar 小偷 413 gra cious 有礼貌的 华美的 414 ...


1.The South's defence minister scoffed that this would be pke asking a burglar to come and inspect the scene of the crime.南韩国防部长嘲笑:这就像邀请窃贼来视察犯罪现场。

2.When Clark came home, he was surprised to see an empty bottle of brandy on the floor and a burglar sacking out on the sofa.克拉克回到家里,看到白兰地空瓶被丢在地板上,而夜贼躺在沙发上呼呼大睡,令他惊讶不已。

3.She pinned the burglar to the wall with the point of her sword pointed at his neck and calmly called the popce.她用自己的击剑将罪犯定在了墙边然后镇定的叫了警察。

4.The Daily Mail has been particularly vociferous in its attack on Google, branding it a "burglar's charter" .《每日邮报》一直大肆抨击谷歌,称谷歌的街景地图是“窃贼的红宝书”。

5.One of the cameras captured someone moving in his home Thursday after he left, and he called popce bepeving it was a burglar.其中一个摄像头拍到上周四他出门后家中有人走动,他立刻报警并以为是小偷入室盗窃。

6.Britain was the most burgled country in the EU, although it had more burglar alarms than any country except Ireland.英国是欧盟入室盗窃行为最严重的国家,尽管英国的防盗警铃比爱尔兰以外的任何国家都多。

7.When I was walking back through the door, she woke up, thought I was a burglar, and threw the closest thing to her at me.当我回到家以后,我老婆以为我是个入室的小偷,随手就拿了个东西砸过来。

8.Leaving these items outside all day could make it appear no one is home and that may make your house a more enticing target to a burglar.别让这些东西整天放置在外令人知道家中无人,容易成为盗贼的目标。

9.He lunged at the burglar and wrestled with him for the weapon.他向窃贼猛扑过去,为夺取武器与之搏斗。

10.The burglar must have been very stealthy if he was able to get past the two watchmen without being noticed.能逃多两个守夜人而不被发现,这小偷一定是非常隐秘的。