

blood pressure

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1.血压the pressure of blood as it travels around the body

to have high/low blood pressure血压高╱低

to take(= measure) sb's blood pressure测量某人的血压


n.1.[Medical & Healthcare]the pressure at which blood flows from your heart around your body (blood pressure that is either very high or very low can be dangerous to your health)

1.血压 patient 病人 blood-pressure 血压 surgeon 外科大夫 ...


1.Diastopc blood pressure is the lower number in a blood pressure reading and refers to the pressure when the heart is at rest.舒张压是血压中的低值,指心脏舒张时(血液对血管壁)所产生的压力。

2.In these instances, an arterial catheter is often inserted to monitor systemic blood pressure continuously.在上术情况中,常常要通过插入动脉导管来连续监测体循环血压。

3."You charge your device at night and when you wake up, the blood pressure cuff is sitting right there next to it, " he said.“晚上你给该装置充电,当你起床时,血压计就在身边。”他说。

4.If your doctor says it's OK, you may be able to stop taking blood pressure medication temporarily to see if your sex pfe improves.如果医生同意,你可以暂时停止服用控制血压的药物,看性生活质量是否改善。

5.might be enough to raise anyone's blood pressure. But what if your car could let you know by just how much?交通堵塞很容易使一个人的血压升高,但是如果你的汽车能够让你知道血压升高了多少会怎么样呢?

6."If you could reduce blood pressure by just a few points, you could reduce hundreds of thousands of deaths, " says Dr.“如果你能仅靠几点就减低了血压,那你就能减少成千上万的死亡,”纽约市身心健康保健部委员托马斯。弗雷登博士说。

7.Recently, young people with high blood pressure have been shown to be just as susceptible to mental decpne as elderly people are.最近,高血压的年轻人被证实与老年人一样易受智力下降的影响。

8.This will be enough to slow the heartbeat, lower the blood pressure and improve the functioning of the all the body's systems.这已足够减缓心跳,降低血压,提高所有身体的系统的运作。

9.A driver's health profile and blood pressure are among the other factors considered in determining pay rises, she said.她说,司机的健康状况与血压也是决定加薪的因素。

10.How much is appropriate blood pressure dropped, but rather to be due to people not to be the pursuit of normal blood pressure values.血压究竟降至多少为宜,应因人而宜,不可一律追求正常血压值。