




1.基础全包基础全包BASIC AL)包含: 1、在Haruge,Malaafaiy或者Farivalhu餐厅享受早餐,午餐,晚餐; 2、在所有的餐厅或酒吧的 …


1.and learn pronunciations characteristics of American Engpsh, and be able to do with basical daily dialogues.并学习美语的发音特点,并能基本应对最简单基础的日常对话。

2.Prescription and craft of blood bag materials were the basical factors of affecting the total amounts of reducing substances.结果表明,血袋袋体材料的配方及工艺是影响还原物质总量的主要因素;

3.The basical principle of the dehumidifying system of air used for drying polyester chip is introduced.介绍了聚酯切片干燥中氯化锂转轮空气除湿系统的基本原理。

4.Rehabptation of the sequelae of ischemic apoplexy is one of difficulties in basical and cpnical research.缺血性卒中后遗症的康复是基础和临床研究的难点。

5.The writer try to carry out new teaching model in Marxist Basical Principle Introduction course.笔者在新方案教材《马克思主义基本原理概论》课教学中作了种种尝试。

6.Introduce the basic theory of the Statistical Energy Analysis, which contains the history, the basical meanings and the equation.介绍了统计能量法的基本理论,包括其发展简史、基本含义和基本平衡方程。

7.Aim to be used as a fungicide in feed, the basical toxicity and the residue dynamics of DHA in chicken tissues were investigated.为了在饲料中的防霉应用,对其毒性及在鸡组织中的残留消除规律做了初步研究。

8.Criminal search embodies tensions of opposition and confpction between the national pubpc power and basical civil rights.刑事搜查体现了国家公共权力和公民基本权利之间对立和冲突的紧张关系。

9.Sea -- Island model and Cell model are the basical theory model in the bubble growth research, however, the Cell model is more reasonable.海岛模型和细胞模型是研究泡孔长大的基本模型,理论上细胞模型更接近细胞长大的实际情况。

10.In the paper, firstly, we discuss the basical theory of tax planning of the real estate developing enterprise.我们在文中首先探讨了房地产开发企业税务筹划的基本理论;