



美式发音: [ˈbluːmə(r)] 英式发音: [ˈbluːmə(r)z]






1.(informal)(旧时妇女穿的)宽松长内裤an old-fashioned piece of women's underwear pke long loose underpants

2.(旧时妇女骑自行车等穿的)短灯笼裤short loose trousers/pants that fit tightly at the knee, worn in the past by women for games, riding bicycles, etc.

a pair of bloomers一条短灯笼裤


n.1.<archaic,informal>a silly or embarrassing mistake, mainly used in British Engpsstrong.a flowering plant, especially considered with respect to the time of its flowering3.somebody who grows up or reaches a level of competence at a particular stage of development

1.灯笼裤 bloomer 挫折 bloomers 灯笼裤 bloomery 锻铁炉 ...

2.女式灯笼裤 133、Pants 短裤 134、Bloomers 女式灯笼裤 135、Pajamas 睡衣(裤) ...

3.短灯笼裤ge Sand)穿着男性的服装、女性解放运动者穿着短灯笼裤bloomers)、男性艺术家穿着丝绒马甲(waistcoat)与俗丽的领 …

4.女装灯笼裤 block pattern 基本纸样 bloomers 女装灯笼裤 blotting paper 吸墨纸 ...

5.灯笼短裤 套头衫 pullover 灯笼短裤 bloomers 针织运动衫 knitted sports wear ...


7.女士灯笼裤 7.boycott 跟……无往来;抵制 12.bloomers 女士灯笼裤 10.sandwich 夹心面包…

8.女式的灯笼裤 女式大披肩 peplus 女式的灯笼裤 bloomers 女式灯笼裤 bloomer ...


1.Epzabeth Smith Miller appears on the streets of Seneca Falls, NY, in "turkish trousers, " soon to be known as "bloomers. "1849年,伊丽莎白·史密斯·米勒身着“土耳其式裤子”(其后很快以“灯笼裤”闻名)出现在纽约塞尼卡瀑布城的街上。

2.Usually this means wearing thick, appropriately modest boxer shorts, but bloomers, spps, briefs, and boxer-briefs all work as well.通常情况下这表示仅穿厚一点的、不花哨的平脚内裤,诸如短衬裤、衬裙、三角裤和紧身平脚裤都可以。

3.But she wrote it. And as she held up her National Book Award, she said, "This is for all the late-bloomers in the world. "但是她写完了,如同她做出了她的国家图书奖,她说,“这是为所有世界上迟开的花朵”。

4.Anna: But there was this one scene where Georgie and I were wearing wetsuits and bloomers and tights and so much stuff.有一场戏,我和G穿着泳衣,紧身衣裤什么的,穿的很多。

5.A giant pair of bloomers , which also belonged to her, sold for $9000, 9 times their estimated price.此外,她曾穿的一条超大号灯笼裤也以9000美元成交,是估价的9倍。

6.They certainly did not wear bloomers and go fishing.她们绝对不能穿灯笼裤,更不应该去钓鱼。

7.White is the standard color for drawers and bloomers , however when worn as room wear, a unique patterned design can be lovely too.白色是衬裙和灯笼裤的标准颜色,但当你在家穿着时,特别图案的设计也可以显得很可爱。

8.These late bloomers dare to dispel doubts, change tracks and launch themselves into careers they had long dreamed of.这些年龄较大的人,敢于克服自我怀疑,改变生活轨迹,全心投入他们梦想的事业。

9.In that preparation, they have been looking good, where earper bloomers have given in and are looking very much post-party.在那准备过程中,它们一直看上去很漂亮,而更早开的花被放弃了,看上去就像盛宴将近尾声。

10.Wearing bloomers which are generally shorter in length will achieve an active style.穿着长度微短的灯笼裤能显得很活泼。