


美式发音: [ˈsisi] 英式发音: [ˈsisi]




cissy— see alsosissy


1.汪诗诗到Escada拣战衣 (综合报道)(星岛日报报道)汪诗诗(Cissy)与妹妹汪圆圆、表妹湛琪清(Jessica)及妈妈和婆婆昨日一起到餐厅吃 …

2.娘娘腔 ... asshole 讨厌鬼 cissy 娘娘腔 dork 笨蛋 ...

3.西西工作;也完全不顾世人的惊愕,娶了比自己年长18岁的西西Cissy)为妻,并终身对她保持着忠贞不二的爱情,在1954年西 …

4.茜茜 Lucky( 幸运) Cissy茜茜) Windy( 温迪) ...

5.段曦中国娃娃”组成,刘钰佳(Jia Jia)时尚动感,段曦Cissy)乖巧伶俐,贾青(Ting)外形靓丽,夏筠妍(Yan)青春甜美, …

6.胆小鬼 秋馨 xxyy 胆小鬼 cissy ...

7.休斯顿的妈妈西西(Patricia Houston),被指名为财产的管理人。休斯顿的妈妈西西Cissy)作为执行者,而她的表姐当娜(Donna)和弟弟 …


1.When Madame Alexander's New York childhood as a poor east-end immigrant is factored into the equation, Cissy becomes even more complex.曼达姆·亚历山大在纽约度过了童年时代,作为一个贫穷的伦敦东区的外来移民者,她期待着被平等对待,茜茜洋娃娃因此变得更加总有综合性意味。

2.The men who are nice , handsome, rich, ballsy, but cissy and narrowness, no girl love!又好,又帅,又有钱,又有胆量的但娘娘腔又小气的男人,没有女孩喜欢。

3.Cissy : Cats are cruel animals, aren't they. They just hunt and kill for pleasure. Fepx doesn't need to kill mice, he's well fed.锡丝:猫真是残忍的动物,打猎、戮只是为了兴趣。菲利斯食物丰足,不必捕杀老鼠。

4.Cissy : Oh sure. She doesn't expect to stop until shortly before the baby is born.锡西:当然有,她要到孩子将近出世,才不上班。

5." Nurses run . " Says sick Cissy as nurses run .“护士们都跑了。”病人茜丝在护士拔腿而逃时说道。

6.Bessie, Cissy and Daisy recently moved in next door to our manager but three.贝西、锡西和黛西最近搬入到我们经理隔壁第四家住

7.Bellatrix: You should be honored Cissy, as should Draco.贝拉特里克斯:你应该感到荣耀,西茜,德拉科也是。

8.cissy caffrey s voice , still young , sings shrill from a lane.从一条巷子里传出西茜卡弗里那依然很年轻的高亢歌声。

9.Cissy : She is and not only books. There's an amazing amount of information for expectant mothers on the Web.锡西:不错,而且不止书籍。万维网上供孕妇参考的资料多得惊人。