


美式发音: [ˈbloʊˌaʊt] 英式发音: [ˈbləʊaʊt]



复数:blowouts  同义词

n.puncture,flat tire,flat tyre,flat,walkover



1.(机动车行驶过程中的)爆胎an occasion when a tyre suddenly bursts on a vehicle while it is moving

to have a blowout车胎爆裂

2.[ususing](informal)大餐;盛宴a large meal at which people eat too much

a four-course blowout有四道菜的大餐

3.(informal)盛大聚会;交谊会a large party or social occasion

We're going to have a huge blowout for Valentine's Day.情人节时我们会举办一场盛大聚会。

4.(informal)轻易的胜利an easy victory

The game was a blowout, 8–1.这场比赛赢得易如反掌,结果是 8 比 1。

5.井喷a sudden escape of oil or gas from an oil well


n.1.an occasion when a tire on a moving vehicle suddenly bursts2.an easy victory in a game or competition3.a celebration during which people eat and drink a lot4.an occasion when oil or gas suddenly escapes from a wella deep hole in the ground1.an occasion when a tire on a moving vehicle suddenly bursts2.an easy victory in a game or competition3.a celebration during which people eat and drink a lot4.an occasion when oil or gas suddenly escapes from a wella deep hole in the ground

1.井喷 bitumen 沥青 blowout 井喷 FanE 『翻译中国』 ...

2.爆裂 blown-up 放大的 blowout 爆裂 blowpipe 吹风管 ...

3.爆胎 排水管、管子、出口等被堵塞 BL 爆胎 blowout 轮胎爆破而不能使用 BR ...

4.熔断 blow hole ① 气孔②气眼,砂眼 blowout ① 爆裂,爆破②熔断 board ① 板,台②管理局[机构]③ …

5.停炉 blown metal 吹炼过的铁水 blowout 停炉 blowpipe 吹管 ...

6.喷出 bagworm 蓑虫 blowout 喷出 keyword 关键字 ...

7.熄灭 tellape 撒谎 blowout 被...吹灭;熄灭 breath n.气息;呼吸 ...


1.So the blowout in the Gulf is just a pttle piece of a much larger problem that we have with the energy that we use to run civipzation.所以墨西哥湾的井喷只是人类文明运转中我们如何使用能源这个更大问题中的冰山一角。

2.Everyone practiced for the Lakers today as the team began to shake off the ill effects of Sunday night's blowout loss to Boston.今天每个队员的训练貌似都已经摆脱了周日对阵凯尔特人的失利带来的不良影响。

3.And his multi-day, blowout wedding celebration that took place in India a few weeks ago?和他多日,婚礼庆典井喷发生在印度的几个星期前发生?

4.So the better they feel when they walk out of his salon, the happier they'll be to go back for a frequent blowout.因此当你走出门后感觉越好,就会更乐意再次光顾做一个…发型。

5.Pervasive ice cover for eight to nine months out of the year can block repef ships in case of a blowout.如果发生井喷,一年中八到九个月无处不在的冰盖会阻挡救援船队。

6.If reservoir fluids flow into another formation and do not flow to the surface, the result is called an underground blowout.如果油藏流体流入另一层地层,而不是喷至地面,这种结果称之为地下井喷。

7.This kind of device is often prevented blowout.这种装置经常用来防喷。

8.More than one attempt may be necessary, as may the injection of a "bridging agent" to further gum up the blowout preventer.除此之外,可能仍将继续努力,因为置入“桥堵剂”可能会进一步卡住防喷装置。

9.This blowout preventer being easily controlled is one of the advantages of it.容易控制是这套防喷器的优点之一。

10.A ram blowout preventer (BOP) consists of two halves of a cover for the well that are sppt down the middle.闸板式防喷器包括沿中间分开的两个半盖。