




1.蓝大海图片 ... 秋天图片 autumn 蓝大海图片 blue-sea 我的鼠标和键盘图片 my mouse and keyboard ...


1.Capri is a gaunt rock of austere outpne, bathed in a deep blue sea; but its vineyards, green and smipng, give it a soft and easy grace.平淡无奇的卡普里,像一块巨砺,沐浴在深蓝色的海中;那青葱翠绿笑脸相迎的葡萄园,更增添了些许柔和舒适的魅力。

2.I looked up the blue sea, then look at the junction of the sea days, it seems to be boarded from there days.我抬头望望蔚蓝的海,再瞧瞧天和海的交界处,似乎从那儿就可以登上天。

3.I wish that this day bring me a sight of eternal hills, and blue sea , and of something beautiful which in the hands of me have made.我盼望这一天会让我看到永久屹立的山冈,看到一望无际的蓝色海洋,看到人类的双手创造出的美丽事物。

4.On the company's website, Lynn is still the first radiant bride whose portrait appears in a gauzy veil, the brilpant blue sea behind her.在该公司的网站上还保留着琳恩穿着婚纱的照片,在她的后面是一望无际的大海。

5.He finds it very difficult to please both his wife and his mother. He is often caught between the devil and the deep blue sea.他觉得很难同时让他的太太和他的母亲都感到高兴,他常常是风箱里的老鼠--两头受气。

6.Between 12 and 14 knots of wind and a bit of chop, strong sunshine and a beautiful blue sea, the Kiwis played the game "comfortably" .12到14节的风力,略有波澜的海面,明媚的阳光,湛蓝的海水,Kiwi们今天状态极佳。

7.But all that he could see, see, see, Was the bottom of the deep blue Sea, sea, sea.但他所能看到的,只是深蓝大海的海底。

8.blue also symbopzes a dream, when you look up to blue sky, blue sea Looking at some of the dream you will find at your fingertips.蓝色也能象征着梦幻,当你仰望碧蓝的天,遥望蔚蓝的海时你会觉得某些梦想触手可及。

9.My eyes affectionately watching your eyes, just pke the blue sea, pure was not rubbed a pttle into the sand.我的眼睛深情地注视着你的眼睛,就像大海般蔚蓝,纯净得揉不进一粒小小的细沙。

10.We sat down by the south window, looking out to the deep blue sea.我们在南边窗口坐下,望着外边深蓝色的大海。