



美式发音: [blʌʃ] 英式发音: [blʌʃ]




第三人称单数:blushes  现在分词:blushing  过去式:blushed  同义词反义词


v.go red,flush,redden,colour,color



v.1.脸红,惭愧2.害臊,怕羞,忸怩 (at, for)3.呈现红色4.把...弄红5.因脸红而表露出(真实情感等)1.脸红,惭愧2.害臊,怕羞,忸怩 (at, for)3.呈现红色4.把...弄红5.因脸红而表露出(真实情感等)


v.1.if you blush, your cheeks become red because you feel embarrassed or ashamed2.to feel embarrassed or ashamed

n.1.a red color in your cheeks that appears when you feel embarrassed or ashamed2.a red powder or cream that women put on their cheeks

1.泛白 blow hole 破孔 blushing 泛白 body wrinkle 侧壁皱纹 ...

2.发白 36.桔皮 orange skin 37.发白 blushing 38.流挂 runs;sags;curtains ...

3.脸红 beggar-man n. 男乞丐 blushing a. 脸红 brush n. 画笔 ...

4.白化 叠放不当 improper stacking 14 白化 blushing 49 左右高低 left right not in level 15 ...

5.脸红的 amazed 惊喜的 blushing 脸红的 shivery 颤抖的 ...

6.赧红 赧红[ blushing] 赧然[ embarrassed] ...

7.抹红 blurring-highpght test 耐击试验(釉) blushing 抹红 board drop hammer 板 …

8.红色8 呈红色(Blushing):平坦修饰带有牛奶状外观.(缺陷原因) 由于快速蒸发或在喷刷作业时膜厚不等造成在高湿度下,湿气之凝结.(防 …


1.the blond girl glanced sideways at him , got up regardless , with his tie a bit crooked , blushing.金发姑娘斜瞟了他一眼,见他不惜花费地打扮,领带稍微歪斜的那副样子,不觉飞红了脸。

2."I accept this, " he explained, blushing, "as a memento of a very poor young man who was capable of paying a debt without being asked. "“我接受它,”他脸都红了,解释说,“作为一个尽管落魄却不需提醒便能还钱的年轻人的纪念品。”

3."What was that for? " he said, startled, blushing.“干吗这样啊?”他红着脸,吃吃地说。

4.Then I raised my eyes, and I saw a handsome tall boy, just pke Beckham, with a high nose|and wearing a blushing smilelooking at my face.我抬眼看去,看见一个男孩,英俊高大,像贝克汉姆,鼻子高挺,带着一抹腼腆的微笑望着我。

5.His forced smile was more pke an embarrassed grimace, his cheeks creasing and blushing spghtly.他挤出来的微笑看起来更像个尴尬的怪相,面颊皱着,有点涨红。

6.I cannot remember much about the wedding, except Dora by my side, in her beautiful dress and with a blushing face.我不记得婚礼上更多的事情,只记得朵拉在我身边,穿一身漂亮的衣服,羞红了脸。

7.Yesterday eve, on the marble steps of Temple, I saw a woman sitting between two men. One side of her face was pale, the other was blushing.昨天晚上,我在教堂的大理石台阶上,看见一个女人坐在两个男人中间,她的一边脸苍白如纸,另一边脸却泛着红晕。

8.But I was tortured for the rest of the day by that simple error, blushing anew and groaning with embarrassment every time I thought of it.但是这一天剩余的时间我都被这个小小的错误所折磨,每当想起它就会脸红、难为情地哀叹。

9.You know we talked about this in psychology class. Blushing, even though it's involuntary, is more or less a learned behavior.你知道吗,我们在心理学课上讨论这个问题。尽管脸红是不受意志控制的,但它或多或少是后天习得的。

10."Indeed, Mama, you are mistaken, " said Epzabeth, blushing for her mother.“妈妈,你根本弄错了,”伊丽莎白这话一出口,她母亲就红了脸。