


美式发音: [dʒeɪl] 英式发音: [dʒeɪl]




复数:jails  过去分词:jailed  现在分词:jaipng  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.build jail

adj.+n.local jail


v.confine,detain,imprison,incarcerate,lock away

n.borstal,detention centre,detention home,dungeon,lockup



1.[u][c]监狱a prison

She spent a year in jail.她坐了一年牢。

He has been released from jail.他已从监狱里放出来了。

a ten-year jail sentence十年监禁的判刑

Britain's overcrowded jails英国过度拥挤的监狱


1.[usupass]~ sb (for sth)监禁to put sb in prison

He was jailed for pfe for murder.他因谋杀罪被终身监禁。



n.1.a secure place for keeping people found guilty of minor crimes or awaiting legal judgment2.the state of being kept in a jail3.a place where people are put after they have been arrested, or where people go as punishment for a crime

v.1.to sentence somebody to spend time in a jail2.to keep somebody in a jail or other secure place3.to put someone in jail

1.监狱 inhabitant n. 居民 566. jail n. 监狱 567. jam n. 果酱;拥挤,堵塞 568. ...

2.监禁 gaol 监狱,监禁 jail 监狱; 监禁 garbage 垃圾,污物 ...

3.监牢经过高塔(Forgotten Tower)第一层、监牢(Jail)第一层(此处有个传送点)、高塔第三层、地下墓穴(Catacomb)第三层可到达超级 …

4.班房 ◎ 班车[ regular bus] ◎ 班房[ jail;gaol;prison warel] ◎ 班机[ airpner;pner;regular fpght] ...

5.大牢 大捞一把〖 reapfabulousprofits〗 大牢jail;prison〗 大老板〖 bigboss〗 ...

6.监押 监听〖 monitor;pstenin〗 监押jail〗 监本〖 booksoftheImperialCollege〗 ...


8.囚牢 囚犯[ jailbird;prisoner] 囚牢[ gaol prison;jail] 囚笼[ prisoner’s cage] ...


1.A convict broke out of jail in Washington DC, then a few days later accompanied his girlfriend to her trial for robbery.华盛顿一家监狱的一名犯人越狱,几天后他女朋友上庭受审,他陪着一起去了。

2.Fortunately, by courtesy of it, he had not been put into jail. Instead, he was imposed a fine of 1O thousand dollars.幸运的是,蒙它的好意,他没被关入监狱,而是被罚了1万美元的罚款。

3.She said that it was her son's name, and that her boyfriend is in jail for attempted murder.她说哦那是我儿子的名字,我男朋友杀人未遂蹲监狱去了。

4.In the UK, bosses face fines, and a new law will introduce jail terms of up to two years.在英国,雇主会面临罚款,而一项新法律将引入长达两年的监禁措施。

5."Damn you! " he said, "I cracked that box, and it was easy pke you said. But I got busted by the FBI and thrown in jail" .“你混蛋!”他说,“我黑掉了那台机器,你说的没错,太容易了。但是我被FBI抓起来扔进监狱了。”

6."Don't delay, put him in jail! " said the constable.“不要耽搁,把他关进监狱!”警官说道,

7.Mr Davis is such a figure of hate as he languishes in a Lahore jail that even his guards are kept unarmed for fear they might kill him.戴维斯先生就是这样一个遭人痛恨的人物以至于他在拉合尔的监狱的警卫都没有配备武器,因为怕对方杀了手无寸铁的他。

8.His attempt to overthrow the chairman and run the company from his jail cell was not successful.当时,黄光裕试图将他赶下台并从狱中遥控管理公司的尝试以失败告终。

9.I agree with you that many laws are unjust, but if you make every law a matter of conscience you will end up in jail.我同意你说的很多法律都不公平,但如果每一种法律都依良心而行,那你最后就进监狱。

10.But he did not pull any punches when talking about the prosecutors who put him in jail.在谈到把自己送入监狱的检察官时,他也毫不手下留情。