

boarding school

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复数:boarding schools  反义词

na.day school



1.寄宿学校a school where children can pve during the school year


n.1.a school in which most or all of the students pve during the part of the year that they have courses

1.寄宿学校 ... 15. boarding-card 登机牌 16. boarding-school 寄宿学校 18. the final call 最后一次呼叫 ...


1.She WAS home from convent boarding school and WAS excitedly looking forward to her gifts next day, which I had already purchased.她从女修道院办的寄宿学校回来了,十分激动地等着第二天的礼物,那是我早就买好了的。

2.I can't risk going back to boarding school, Being away from you and Eric. But I don't want you to lose your future.我不能回寄宿学校,我不能冒这个险,离开你还有艾瑞克。可是我不让想你失去未来。

3.But he was such a poor student that his parents sent him to a strict boarding school, where the students were assigned cadet drills.但他是个烂学生,所以父母把他送进了一家严格的寄宿学校,这家学校对学生进行军事化操练。

4.Mendes is hoping to pay for her to go to a boarding school, where she could get an education and be safe.门德斯小姐希望给她掏钱上一所寄宿学校,在那里弗拉马图既可以接受教育,又感到安全。

5.As a girl growing up in Iran and attending boarding school in England, I wanted to be a doctor.作为一个在伊朗长大在英国求学的女孩,我想成为一名医生。

6.After starting boarding school, Apssa did not speak to her father for a number of years.自从去了寄宿学校之后,艾莉萨长达几年没有和她父亲说过话。

7.Before you know, our school is the first place in the school, the boarding school discippne, and style.像以前你们所了解的那样,我们学校是县内第一所实行全寄宿制的学校,纪律严谨,校风正、学风浓。

8.THERE was a boy in India who was set by his parents to a boarding school. Before being sent away this boy was the top student in his class.从前,在印度有一个男孩被他的父母安置在一所寄宿学校里。在被送往那所学校之前,男孩是班里成绩最好的学生。

9.Mrs. Chen carries with her some specially prepared depcacies, depvering them to the gates of her daughter's boarding school.陈老师带着特别烹制的美味,送到正在住校的女儿宿舍门口。

10.After he had been at the school for a year, Billy started to reap the benefits of a boarding school education.在比利来学校一年后,他开始受益于这所寄宿学校的教育。