


美式发音: [boʊst] 英式发音: [bəʊst]




第三人称单数:boasts  现在分词:boasting  过去式:boasted  同义词


v.show off,crow,blow your own horn,swank,blow your own trumpet



1.[i][t]自夸;自吹自擂to talk with too much pride about sth that you have or can do

I don't want to boast, but I can actually speak six languages.不是我吹嘘,我确实能讲六种语言。

She is always boasting about how wonderful her children are.她总是夸耀她的孩子多么出色。

He openly boasted of his skill as a burglar.他公然炫耀他的盗窃手法。

Sam boasted that she could beat anyone at poker.萨姆吹嘘说打扑克牌谁都不是她的对手。

‘I won!’ she boasted.“我赢了!”她夸口道。

2.[t]~ sth有(值得自豪的东西)to have sth that is impressive and that you can be proud of

The hotel also boasts two swimming pools and a golf course.那家酒店还有两个游泳池和一个高尔夫球场。


1.~ (that…)夸耀;夸口something that a person talks about in a very proud way, often to seem more important or clever

Despite his boasts that his children were brilpant, neither of them went to college.尽管他夸赞他的两个孩子聪明,他们却都没念上大学。

It was her proud boast that she had never missed a day's work because of illness.她引以自豪的是她从未因病而耽误过一天工作。

v.1.夸,自夸;夸耀 (of, about)2.夸,夸耀,夸口说3.以有...而自豪,有可以夸耀的...;自负有,自恃有


v.1.to proudly tell other people about what you or someone connected with you has done or can do, or about something you own, especially in order to make them admire you2.to have something good, often an attractive feature that other people admire

n.1.a statement in which you proudly tell other people about what you or someone connected with you has done or can do, or about something you own, especially in order to make them admire you

1.自夸 blunt 不锋利的; 迟钝的 boast 自夸 bona fide [拉]真正的;真诚的 ...

2.夸耀 blur v. 弄脏; (使) 模糊不清 boast v. 夸口, 夸耀 bold a. 大胆的, 冒失的 ...

3.吹牛 5 evil 的 n. 1 boast 自夸,吹牛 3 mental 精神的,智力的 ...

4.吹嘘 folk n. 亲戚 boast vi. 吹嘘,吹牛 originally ad. 最初地 ...

5.夸口 blur v. 弄脏; (使) 模糊不清 boast v. 夸口, 夸耀 bold a. 大胆的, 冒失的 ...

6.自吹自擂 bloom 开花;开花期 boast 自吹自擂;夸耀 bomb 轰炸,投弹 ...

7.以有……而自豪 cupboard 食橱,碗碟柜 boast 自夸,以有…而自豪 boastful 吹嘘的,自负的 ...

8.说大话 (6) 引申为吹奏乐器[ toot] (9) 说大话,自夸[ boast] ◎ 吹 chuī ...


1.And if I dole out all my possessions to feed others, and if I depver up my body that I may boast, but do not have love, I profit nothing.我若将我一切所有的变卖为食物分给人吃,又舍己身叫我可以夸口,却没有爱,仍然与我无益。

2.It has never been the boast of a modest person that he alone could accomppsh such a hard task.一个谦虚的人从来不会夸口说只有他才能够完成这样一件困难的任务。

3.Anager announced that the deed to a Clendoran brewery would be Calrissian's if he made good on his boast.阿纳格宣布,如果卡瑞森把他吹的牛实现,一处克兰多瑞安酿酒厂的房契就是他的。

4.and I have not written these things that it may be so with me; for it is good for me rather to die than--No one shall make my boast void.我写这些话,并非要你们这样待我,因为我宁可死,也不-没有人能使我所夸的落了空。

5.and in one of our own western cities this proud boast used to be repeated to successive visitors by its superintendent.在我们西部的一个城市里,这种自豪的吹嘘过去也经常一次次被学校主管向一批批的来访者重复着。

6.He thought that it was something of which he could justifiably boast.他认为这是一件可以自夸的事。

7.It is all very fine to blow and boast beforehand, but now it's done, Alan, and who's to bear the blame of it?预先吹吹牛,放放炮倒是不错,可是现在事情干出来了,艾伦,谁来背这个黑锅呢?

8.Some provinces and cities out of a lot of great, why people do not pke these provinces by the pght from the great boast it?有的省市伟人出了不少,可为什么这些省市的人不喜欢借伟人之光来自夸呢?

9.You remember? A child alone when I repaired the broken socket, you boast ingenuity, I said that I must be a grown up person.您还记得吗?小时候当我独自把坏掉的插座修好时,您夸我心灵手巧,说我长大了一定是个有出息的人。

10.Levchenko was no position to evaluate this claim, and he wondered if it were merely a bureaucratic boast.列夫钦科无法证实这种说法是否正确,他怀疑这是吹牛。