


美式发音: [ˈdɑrtməθ] 英式发音: [ˈdɑ:tməθ]

n.(英国 Devonshire 的)达特茅斯港口



n.1.(英国 Devonshire 的)达特茅斯港口2.达特茅斯皇家海军学校

un.1.town and seaport in Devon, England. The British Royal Naval College is located there.2.city in southern Nova Scotia, Canada, on Hapfax Harbour opposite Hapfax.

1.达特茅斯 ... Yale( 耶鲁):8个 Dartmouth达特茅茨):1-2个 Duke( 杜克):4个 ...

8.达特默斯大学9达特默斯大学dartmouth)达特默斯大学在校本科学生共有4147人,新生的录取率为13。学生与教师比为8比1,学生四年毕 …


1.Though only a year removed from Dartmouth when he arrived at XY, Michael had seemingly read every gay book ever written.尽管迈克尔进入XY杂志社工作时刚刚从达特茅斯搬来一年,他似乎已读过所有的同志类书籍。

2.In 1971, he took a college dance class at Dartmouth to recuperate from a ski racing injury, and never looked back.1971年,他因为在滑雪比赛中受伤而去达特茅斯大学上舞蹈课,以求康复,此后便再没回头。

3."Television is still in the hands of men, " says Parati at Dartmouth College.“电视仍然掌握在男人手中,”达特茅斯大学的帕拉蒂表示。

4.I'm sorry. you're right. you're right. I'm sure j. l. hall will be very impressed With your passion for the dartmouth experience.失礼,失礼,你说得对。我敢肯定哈尔教授会对,你对达特茅斯的热情印象深刻的。

5.But I'd also accepted all his outrageous gifts and was registered, however futilely, to attend Dartmouth College in the fall.但我也接受了他夸张的礼物,又在达特茅斯学院注册,虽然是白费气力,并将在秋天入学的条件。

6.Dylan Wagner and his colleagues at Dartmouth College, in New Hampshire, therefore decided to investigate the question.因此位于新罕布什尔州德的达特默斯大学DylanWagner和他的同事决定调查这个问题。

7.DARTMOUTH COLLEGE'S Tuck School of Business takes first place in The Economist's ninth annual ranking of full-time MBA programmes.在经济学人第九次年度全日制MBA培训项目排名中,达特茅斯学院的Tcuk商学院位居榜首。

8.Dartmouth College economist Douglas Irwin said the new research painted too bleak a picture.达特茅斯学院(DartmouthCollege)的经济学家欧文(DouglasIrwin)说,新的研究所描绘的景象过于黯淡。

9.But a study from Dartmouth Medical School suggests that some types of HPV may be a risk factor for squamous cell carcinoma.达特茅斯医学院的一项研究表明,有些种类的HPV有可能引发鳞状细胞癌。

10.Pilobolus began as an experiment among three guys and one puzzled professor in a Dartmouth dance class back in 1970.Pilobolus的实验计划在一个开始于3个小伙子和一个怪教授,1978年的的Dartmouth舞蹈课程上。