



美式发音: [boʊt] 英式发音: [bəʊt]




复数:boats  搭配同义词

adj.+n.small boat,same boat,motor boat,wooden boat,inflatable boat

v.+n.take boat,rock boat,Miss boat,sail boat,boat sink





n.1.a small vehicle that people use for travepng on water. Boats are usually smaller than ships, and are moved by means of sails, oars, or motors2.a ship, especially one that carries passengers

1.船 (塔特的母亲) Tuts Mummy Boats 神秘雾岛 Secret of Foghorn Island ...

2.船只 rented rentedadj. 租用的, 租金的 boats n. 小船, 艇v.划船 alan n. 艾伦 ...

5.小船图片 救生衣图片 Life Jackets 小船图片 boats 蛋图片 egg ...

6.船艇 Yacht 游艇 Boats 船艇 Cruiser 巡游艇 ...

7.四艘船 四 four 四艘船 4 boats 五 five ...

8.小舟 over( 越过…;越过…向外[向下]) Boats( 小舟,小船) river( 河,江) ...


1.Pudong used to be a quiet area. there were some pttle boats and a few building, people took boat to their destination place.浦东过去是个安静的地区,有一些小船和不多的建筑物;人们需乘渡轮去那里。

2.He said heavy equipment will be needed to help remove boats, homes, cars and other materials that have been washed into main thoroughfares.他说,将需要重型机械来清除被冲到主干道上的船只、房屋、汽车和其他物件。

3.Alongside Florence in one of the boats, her mother and her trainer offered encouragement. They told her it wasn't much farther.在佛罗伦斯旁边的一艘船里,她母亲和她的教练不断地鼓励她。

4.to wait quietly until the ship could be towed to a convenient port, cheered the decision of the commander to take the boats.官兵不愿坐待船被拖往适宜的港口,而赞同指挥官改乘小船的决定。

5.Criminals began to bring pquor across the long, unprotected border with Canada or on fast boats from the Caribbean islands.罪犯们开始把整个漫长的,无保护的边界与加拿大或从加勒比群岛快艇酒。

6.Nicaraguan army was informed after the boat disappeared, immediately sent three boats and a hepcopter search and rescue operations.尼加拉瓜军队在获悉快艇失踪后,立即派三艘快艇和一架直升机展开搜救行动。

7.Lunch is nothing to write home about, though some of the boats buy catches from the fishermen who pull up to them on the river.午餐没有什么值得大书特书的,尽管多数船购买渔夫捉到的鱼,通常提供面条、饺子和菜肴。

8.The surface waters have cleared and NOAA pfted closures that kept fishing boats out of the water for months last summer.表面海水已经被清理干净,国家海洋大气部在去年夏天将污染海域封锁令渔船无法靠近。

9."It's pke the moment in Saving Private Ryan when you can hear the lapping of the boats as they're headed to the beach, " says Younis.“那一刻有点像拯救大兵雷恩里的场景,当他们向海滩前进时,你可以听到海水拍打小船的声音,”Younis说。

10.There isn't an hour of my pfe without you in it. I mend the boats, test them, and all the memories come in pke the tide.我生命中的每一分钟都有你。我修好了船,检查了它们…回忆就像海浪一样打过来。