




1.五日生化需氧量0 30 / 其他排污单位 70 150 400 五日生物需氧量(BOD5) 甘蔗制糖、麻脱胶、湿法纤维板、 染料、洗毛工业 20 60 600 甜菜 …

5.五日生化需量感官性状和物理指标 GB/T 5750.4 22 五日生化需量(BOD 5 ) 水质 五日生化需氧量(BOD5)的测定 稀释与 接种法 GB/T 748…



1.Analytical data processing of BOD5 was also discussed, and corresponding improvements were recommended.探讨了BOD5分析数据处理及结果表述方法,提出了相应的改进意见和建议。

2.This paper review the determination each method of BOD5, point out each kind of influence factor of dilution inocula method.评述了BOD5测定的各种方法,指出了稀释接种法的各种影响因素。

3.The operational results showed that the indices of COD, BOD5, NH3-N, SS, TP in effluent reached the discharge standards.运行结果表明,经处理后的出水COD、NH3-N、SS、总磷等指标均能达到排放要求。

4.The two other inoculums types were not as efficient to reduce BOD5 as type 3 nor was reducing or increasing hydraupc residence time.无论增加或者减少水力停留时间,其它两种培养液的类型都不如3型更能降低五日生化需氧量。

5.The chemical indicators (BOD5, NH3-N and S) in the water body were determined and they overrun the fishery, water quapty standard.测定稚鳖养殖池水体的化学指标其中BOD5,NH3-N,大大超过渔业水质标准及参考标准。

6.Determination of Water Sample Dilution Times in the Measurement of BOD 5 in Wastewater测定废水BOD5时水样稀释倍数的确定