


美式发音: [ˈbɑdiˌɡɑrd] 英式发音: [ˈbɒdiˌɡɑː(r)d]




复数:bodyguards  同义词




1.保镖,警卫(队)a person or a group of people who are employed to protect sb

The President's bodyguard is/are armed.总统的护卫人员携带着武器。



n.1.a person or group of people whose job is to protect an important person from being physically attacked

1.保镖 bode v. 预示 bodyguard n. 保镖,侍卫 boggle v. 畏缩不前,不敢想像 ...

2.保镳 bode v. 预示 bodyguard n. 保镖,侍卫 boggle v. 畏缩不前,不敢想像 ...

4.卫士 [take care of] 照料;护理 [bodyguard] 卫士;侍从 拥挤[ crowd;push and squeeze] ...

5.卫兵 15. 卫星城[ satelpte city;satelpte town] 1. 卫兵[ guard;bodyguard] 2. 卫城[ acropops] ...

6.卫队 vanguard 先锋 bodyguard 卫队 hazard 危害 ...

7.终极保镳制作人更是出名的David Foster,这预期是David继制作「终极保镳」(Bodyguard)主题曲 ”I Will Always Love You”后,再一 …

8.宝莱坞之终极保镳宝莱坞天王沙曼罕主演《宝莱坞之终极保镳》(Bodyguard)。(图/金马奇幻影展提供)RSS Twitter 电子报 大纪元电台 我要发 …


1.If your partner is going away for a few days, tell her that you are worried about her so you have organized a bodyguard to look after her.如果你的伴侣要出差几天,告诉她你很担心她,因此你给她安排了一个保镖来照顾她。

2.Mr. Chen said the inspiration for the script came from the 1973 movie "The Bodyguard, " directed by his father, Tung Man Chan.陈可辛说剧本的灵感来自于1973年的电影“保镖”,那是一部由他父亲陈铜民先生导演的电影。

3.He follows Draco Malfoy around and serves as something of a bodyguard for him.他跟随德拉科·马尔福,充当他的保镖。

4.The newspaper, quoting Blair's spokesman, said his bodyguard offered to pay the ticket, but the inspector said he could travel for free.该报援引布莱尔发言人的话说,当时他的保镖提议替他付款,但查票员表示布莱尔可以免费乘车。

5.Why was the President's single bodyguard absent from his post during the murder, and never punished or even questioned?为什么总统的惟一贴身卫士案发时不在现场,案发后一直逍遥法外,甚至没有被传讯过?

6.But trouble is brewing. On his way to the ceremony, Phipp notices an old acquaintance, a former bodyguard.但纷争正在酝酿中。菲利普在去参加结婚典礼的途中遇到一位旧相识——他从前的保镖。

7.Just, from that, 3 people have amusement to the suburb attach, didn't take how much bodyguard.只是,从那一次,三人一起去郊外玩,并没有带多少侍卫。

8.General Grievous, the supreme commander of the Separatist droid armies, kept with him silent protectors known as bodyguard droids.格里弗斯将军——分离势力机器人军队的最高指挥官——总是和被称为警卫机器人的沉默保镖形影不离。

9.Crabbe follows Draco Malfoy around and serves as something of a bodyguard for him.克拉布总是跟着马尔福转,像保镖一样侍奉着他。

10.He was popular among the Thirty but did not equal the Three. David put him in command of his bodyguard.他比三十勇士更有名望,但尚不及前三杰。达味派他作侍卫长。