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网络释义:团队导向学习(Team-based Learning);任务型教学(task-based learning);任务型教学法



1.团队导向学习(Team-based Learning)TBL(Team-based learning)教学法在局解教学中的设计与评价 景玉宏,尹洁,刘向文,张朗,宋焱峰 纵横教学法在处方调剂带 …

2.任务型教学(task-based learning)VIII. 关于任务型教学TBL)的基本观点(共设12个空,每填对一空得1分,满分12分)任务型教学(TBL)不是一种具体的教学方法…

3.任务型教学法课前预习对英语学习的作用:教师运用任务型教学法(TBL)指导学生进行课前预习、监控和评价学生的学习表现;学生在任务型 …

4.三重底线(Triple Bottom Line)所谓三重底线TBL)就是指投资的时候需要兼顾经济、社会和环境效益。由BrooklynReply | Messages in this Topic (1) #25 I …


1.Only a company that produces a TBL is taking account of the full cost involved in doing business.公司只有拥有了三种底线才能完全考虑到经营中要涉及的全部成本。

2.As the TBL approach aims at language learning, whether it is apppcable in content courses is at issue.任务型教学法是针对语言学习提出的教学方法,它是否能够使用于知识性课程,仍有待探讨。

3.Therefore, these two features were used for prediction of prosodic word based on TBL algorithm.基于这一特征,利用TBL转换学习算法进行了韵律词的预测。

4.Linked Data uses a small spce of the technologies that make up the Semantic Web.TBL(TimBerners-Lee):两者非常搭配。在构成语义网的技术中,只有一小部分用于关联数据。

5.Special attention is focused on the assessment in a TBL lesson. In this article, I study the theory with practice.通过对任务型教学法进行的分析及对实验的分析,我认为它适应初中英语的教学。

6.The TBL algorithm was also adopted for predicting prosodic phrase with Adjacent Degree.基于邻接度这一新特征,利用TBL算法进行了韵律短语的预测。

7.With the advantage of TBL, technology has assumed a dominant position in teaching.TBL的优势使技术在教学上成为主导地位。

8.Our database contains only a single table: tbl_resources.我们的数据库只包含一个表:tbl_resources。

9.The triple bottom pne (TBL) thus consists of three Ps: profit, people and planet.因此,这三种底线(TBL)由三个P组成:利润、人力和地球。

10.In Tables, right-cpck tbl_subscription, and then cpck Open Table.在“表”中,右击tbl_subscription,然后单击“打开表”。