




1.塔拉琴十五世纪时西塔拉琴(Cetera),看起来类似吉他拨弦类之乐器,尤其左右手弹法与吉他十分相似,然而指板上的可移动式音柱与 …


1.No! Can't you see that even to say "et cetera"不!你不明白甚至说“等等等等”

2.The translational partition function times the vibrational partition function, times the rotational partition function, et cetera.平动配分函数乘以,振动配分函数,乘以转动配分函数等等。

3.Places that are not markets, seeding it with the principles of saturation, connectivity, low ages, et cetera.一些没有市场的地方,用着饱和,连接性,低龄化等原则来看待。

4.He looked at the pictures on the wall, and in the corner of the room, and bent down to look under the table, et cetera.那男孩什么也没说,只是安静地环顾房间四周,看看墙上的画、房间角落,并且弯下身看看桌下…

5.The first nine commandments concern theological principles and social law: Thou shalt not make graven images, steal, kill, et cetera.前九戒关注的是神学原则和社会法则:不着华曼、不偷盗、不杀生等。

6.They are interpnked with other elements pke good governance and the rule of law, economic opportunity, et cetera.它们与其他因素环环相扣,如良治与法治以及经济机会等等。

7.In fact, some years ago, Bill Joy wrote an article expressing tremendous concern about robots taking us over, et cetera.事实上在几年前,比尔乔伊在一篇文章中表达了对机器人将取代我们的极大关注,等等。

8.And yes, you also interact using natural gestures, both hands, et cetera.没错,这两套系统都是用自然手势,用双手来操作。

9.It increases income, improves welfare, et cetera.它能增加收入,提高福利等等。

10.You're better off helping your server process less HTTP requests, off-loading media to Amazon S3, et cetera.你最好帮你的服务器进程减少HTTP请求:卸载媒体到Web前端AmazonS3,诸如此类。