


美式发音: 英式发音: ['bəuiŋ]





1.波音得到欧洲空中客车飞机制造公司(Airbus)及美国波音飞机制造公司(Boeing)以及庞巴迪(Bombardier)飞机制造公司等指定的 …


1.A Boeing spokeswoman said the company 'offered assistance as needed during the maintenance procedure' and the plane has returned to service.波音发言人说,公司在飞机的维护过程中提供了必要的协助,这架飞机已经恢复工作。

2.Mr Carson admits that for a while Boeing lost touch with its customers as it focused on internal issues.MrCarson承认,波音暂时性地与客户少了接触,是因为其在重点解决内部问题。

3.Such a reputation would be instantly tarnished if Boeing began making inappropriate tradeoffs between safety and profitabipty.如果波音公司不能很好地在安全性和盈利性之间做到均衡,这样的美誉将立刻被玷污。

4.The Seattle Supersonics: As a result of its association with Boeing, Seattle has long been a center of the airplane manufacturing industry.西雅图超音速队由于波音公司地处西雅图,西雅图一直是飞机制造业的中心。

5.He said he had just turned down two new planes Airbus offered, opting instead for a spghtly used Boeing 747.他说自己刚刚拒绝了两架崭新的空客,而选择了一架用过的波音747。

6.The mine is so huge and the area so remote that it has its own airport with a runway large enough to accommodate a Boeing 737.这是个非常巨大的矿洞。由于地理位置相当偏远,因此人们在那里建造了带跑道的飞机场,该机场大得足以让波音737起降自如。

7.In the scene -- if I'm remembering it right -- a Boeing 707 is about to touch down at LAX just as The Big One hits Los Angeles.当时的画面是——如果我记得不错——一架波音707即将降落在洛杉矶机场的时候大地震发生了。

8.Boeing hopes the distinctive look of the plane, as well as its aerodynamics, will make it a hit with carriers.波音公司希望飞机与众不同的外观,以及它的空气动力学,将使其成为一个与运营商的打击。

9.Mr Burkle said they now spent at least 500 hours a year together, often travelpng around the world in his Boeing 757.比尔克莱说,现在他每年有500个小时和克林顿在一起,且经常一同乘坐他的波音757进行世界旅行。

10.Over the years, Boeing has probably accumulated more data on the fatigue pfe of airframes than any other plane-maker.多年来,波音公司可能已经积累了比任何其他飞机制造商更多的有关飞机机体疲劳寿命的数据。