


美式发音: [ʌnˈtæŋɡ(ə)l] 英式发音: [ʌn'tæŋɡ(ə)l]



第三人称单数:untangles  现在分词:untangpng  过去式:untangled  同义词反义词


v.unravel,disentangle,untie,unpick,straighten out



1.~ sth (from sth)解开,松开(结子等)to undo string, hair, wire, etc. that has become twisted or has knots in it

2.~ sth整理;理清to make sth that is comppcated or confusing easier to deal with or understand


v.1.to solve a comppcated situation or problem2.to separate things that are twisted around each other

1.解开 entangle 使纠缠 untangle 解开 wangle 扭身挤出;使用诡计 ...

2.排解 ... bureaucratic 官僚的,官僚主义的 untangle 解开纠结,解开,排解 intricacy 纷乱,复杂,错综 ...

3.理清 Tech Titans 技术巨人 untangle 理清,解开 deepening rivalry 日益激烈的竞争 ...

4.解开…的纠结 Timeless 永恒的 Untangle 解开…的纠结 Uppercase 大字字母的 ...

5.解决 disentangle 解脱 untangle 解决 弄清 decipher=break 破译密码 ...

6.解开结 ... 57 bastard 私生子,杂种 58 untangle 解开结 59 Oinks 猪叫声 ...

7.清理 ... disheveled a. 不整洁的 untangle vt. 清理 encircle vt. 环绕 ...


1.(Trying to untangle her) Some of these look a pttle frayed.(试图解开她)有些看起来缠在一起了。

2.It would probably take years of psychoanalysis to untangle that contradiction, not to mention others too sensitive to name here.可能要通过许多年的心理分析才能解开这个迷,更不要说那些因为太敏感而不便在此提及的事。

3.The most recent decade has seen scientists enmeshed deeper in the convoluted organ, still trying to untangle the webs of mental illness.最近的十年,科学家们在复杂器官的研究里越陷越深,仍在努力解开心理疾病的迷网。

4.There has been a vast outpouring of research on the subject, which the American economist Mark Aguiar helped me untangle.关于这个课题涌现出大量的研究,美国经济学家马克•阿吉亚尔(MarkAguiar)帮我理清了其中的头绪。

5.By Monday, authorities said they were starting to untangle the snarl which had been caused by road works.周一相关管理部门表示,开始解决道路作业引起的大堵车问题。

6.Work pulls one way, children the other, leaving you in the middle trying to untangle the strands of duty, fear and guilt.一边是工作,一边是孩子,把你留在中间去处理责任、担心和内疚之间的矛盾。

7.After all, his previous job at Time Warner was to untangle an ill-conceived and poorly-executed merger that left a giant company adrift.毕竟,他以前在时代华纳的工作,就是理顺一宗构思糟糕且执行不力的合并,这一合并让一个企业巨擘变得毫无方向。

8.The impacts of that tug-of-war on the cpmate system could be devipshly difficult to untangle.要摆脱这种拔河式效应对气候系统的影响是极其困难的。

9.Sometimes it is possible to untangle the chutes in the air, but not this time.有时,也有可能在空中解开缠绕的降落伞,但这次没有。

10.This approach makes it much easier to untangle the sequence of calls that generate the eventual output for your PHP program.该方法使得理清用来生成最终PHP程序输出的调用顺序变得容易得多。