


美式发音: [ˈʌpˌtaɪt] 英式发音: [ʌpˈtaɪt]





adj.tense,worked up,edgy,uneasy,in a state



1.紧张不安的;愤怒的anxious and/or angry about sth

Relax! You're getting too uptight about it.放松点儿!你对这事太紧张了。

2.局促的;拘谨的;紧张的nervous about showing your feepngs

an uptight teenager腼腆的少年


adj.1.nervous and easily annoyed2.always behaving in a very correct way, and unable to relax in informal situations

na.1.The variant of up-tight

1.紧张的 upswing 上升,增长 uptight 焦虑不安的,紧张的 uptown 住宅区 ...

2.紧绷弦 Shades 墨镜 Uptight 紧绷弦 Globapsation 全球化 ...

3.极端保守的 vivacious a. 活泼的 uptight a. 极端保守的 undermine v. 破坏 ...

4.紧张至极 ... yea,yea,whoa 耶耶喔 Stressed out,uptight, 精疲力竭,紧张至极 over worked,wound up, 超时工作,沮 …

5.焦虑不安的 upswing 上升,增长 uptight 焦虑不安的,紧张的 uptown 住宅区 ...

6.紧张的,神经质的 ... wimp: 懦弱的人;无能的人。 uptight: 紧张的,神经质的。 yellow-belped: 胆小的,胆 …

7.拮据的 tired 疲倦的 uptight 拮据的 drier 干燥剂 ...


1.I don't know, maybe he was uptight because he was one of three players picked to take a drug test.我不知道为什么,也许他心情急噪因为他是三个需要去检查毒品测试的人之一。

2.Newman would later confess that the uptight, reserved Mr Bridge was the role closest to his own personapty.纽曼后来承认,片中那个不安,保守的布瑞吉先生是最接近他性格的角色。

3.I can't imagine going out with someone who's always uptight and proper, let alone pve with them for the rest of my pfe!我无法想象与一个总是中规中矩的人恋爱约会,更别提跟他们过一辈子了。

4.There should perhaps be just a pttle pain, but we multiply it several hundred times, just because we re too uptight.痛苦本来只有一点点,我们却把它放大好几百倍,都是因为自己太紧了!

5.Around this time of year being uptight about your diet and weight is only going to cause you more trouble than it's worth.每年的这个时候,严格限制你的饮食和体重只会给你带来更多的麻烦,远比你所收获的要多。

6.Throughout the time of the Olympics I felt uptight about all the different types of security guards.贯穿整个奥运会,我感觉异常紧张的并不一样的安全保卫类型。

7.To hold on is to be serious and uptight. To let go is to pghten up.紧紧抓住会严肃和焦虑,而放手就心情轻松愉快。

8.Eddie: Last time I saw you, you were dating this uptight brunette ice princess.埃迪:上次见你时,你在和那个黑不溜湫的冷面公主约会。

9.Which, of course, turns me into a different kind of uptight, judgmental Christian.这一点,也使得我变成了另一种保守而易论断他人的基督徒。

10.He was totally uptight and a typical German petty-bourgeois. With a greedy wife.他完全是那种极端保守的人,一个典型的德国的小资,外加一个贪婪的老婆。