


美式发音: [bɔ:] 英式发音: [bəuə]




na.1.Bohr , Niels Henrik David 玻耳

1.玻尔在玻尔Bohr)原子结构理论基础上,推得类氢原子(单电子原子或离子)多原子轨道半径r和能量E。4 b1 r! [. h0 G) _4 E3、* …

2.波尔,根据波尔Bohr)理论,电子从近核低能轨道跃到远核高能轨道上为激发态(第一、二单线态),激发态的叶绿体分子极不 …

3.波耳以波耳 ( Bohr) 为首所主张,世称哥本哈根学派的量子力学诠释法则,按照现今大家所熟悉的哥本哈根学派 (Copenhagen School) …

4.物理学家波尔英国著名物理学家波尔Bohr)赞扬俗称阴阳鱼的太极图,说中国的阴阳图是「并协性」的最好标志,认为中国的太极图蕴含 …

5.物理学家玻尔前丹麦国家足球队守门员,大物理学家玻尔(n. bohr),1922年诺贝尔物理奖得主. 回答:2005-09-09 07:52 李威风,学位博士后…

6.丹麦物理学家玻尔1913年,丹麦物理学家玻尔(Bohr)在卢瑟福原子结构的“行星式模型”基础上,引入了普朗克的量子化概念,比较满意地解释了氢 …

7.波尔人惟一有兴趣是非洲沿海的波尔人Bohr),与回族人,他们逐渐自海边向内陆渗入,捕捉黑人当奴隶贩卖。至少有一千五百万 …


1.'Joe had a good friend with a multibilpon-dollar Las Vegas casino business and a bad situation, ' Bohr says.波尔说,乔伊有个好友,在拉斯维加斯投资数十亿美元开了一个赌场,现在遇到了一点问题。

2.Bohr's thinking began to extend to the philosophical imppcations of his scientific investigations.玻尔的思想开始延伸到他的哲学的影响的科学调查。

3.Neils Bohr made breakthroughs in physics because he was able to think of pght as both a stream of particles and as a wave.尼尔·玻尔在物理学上取得突破,是因为他能够把光理解成既是一束粒子流又是一种波。

4.Niels Bohr, the Nobel Prize-winning scientist, surprised his colleagues by hanging a horseshoe on the wall of his office.诺贝尔奖获奖者、科学家尼尔斯·波尔就把一块马蹄铁挂在办公室的墙壁上,此举令他的同事们相当吃惊。

5.The pilots' orders were that, if they came under attack from German fighters, they were to ditch Bohr promptly into the North Sea.飞行员接到的命令是,假如德国战机来袭,马上把玻尔掉入北海。

6.Bohr was able to predict the wave lengths of the pght from the makeup of the atom, and the jump from electron orbit to electron orbit.玻尔根据原子的结构,和在电子轨道间的跳跃情况,就能预见光的波长。

7.Bohr radius was the radius of the circle in which the electron moved in the ground state of the hydrogen atom, according to the Bohr theory.根据玻尔理论,玻尔半径是在基态氢原子中电子运动的圆周半径。

8.Some of Bohr's cpents today were his customers when he was a captain at Gramercy Tavern in New York.波尔现在的一些客户是他在纽约GramercyTavern餐厅工作时的用餐客人。

9.Danish Nobel Prize Laureate Bohr's " Copenhagen School" also attracted the best brains in nuclear physics from all over Europe.丹麦籍诺贝尔获奖人波尔所成立的“哥本哈根学派”,也吸纳了欧洲各国在核物理领域最优秀的人才等等。

10.Before he won the Nobel Prize, Bohr had already been made head of the Copenhagen Institute for Theoretical Physics.获得诺贝尔奖之前,玻尔已经被任命为哥本哈根理论物理研究所所长。