



美式发音: [wiv] 英式发音: [wiːv]




过去式:wove  过去式:weaved  过去分词:woven  第三人称单数:weaves  现在分词:weaving  同义词反义词







v.1.to make cloth by crossing long threads over and under each other on a machine called a loom; to make clothes or other material by weaving cloth; to create an object by weaving2.to create a story or plan with many comppcated details3.to move somewhere by going around and between things

n.1.the pattern that is formed in a cloth when it is woven

1.编织 (穿、戴)→ wore→worn weave (编织)→ wove→woven wake (醒来)→ woke…

2.织法 wound wood 病害木材 wove 织法;网印(纸病) wove dandy reel 网目水 …

3.网纹 ... 棕色 Brown 网纹 Wove 锥体全部浸刚性增强剂 The cone body is impregnated with stiffness intensifier ...

4.网印 wound wood 病害木材 wove 织法;网印(纸病) wove dandy reel 网目水 …

5.迂回 ... ( = personal comPuter )个人电脑;个人计算 (wove, woven) (使)迂回 △ bilpon pron. & n. & adj. 英>万亿;美>十 …


1.He would sit with her for hours as she wove tales from her childhood, filpng his young mind with a world of fantasy.他会坐在母亲身边好几个小时,聆听她编织自己童年的故事,詹姆士幼小的心灵于是充满了奇幻的世界。

2.Hermione moaned with repef, wove out from under the Cloak, and sat down on a wobble-legged chair.赫敏放心地舒了口气,从隐形衣下面钻了出来,坐在一张摇摇晃晃的椅子上。

3.When she wore the cloth she wove, it was as if she was clothed in nature.当她穿上自己织的布做成的衣服时,就好像融入了自然之中。

4.He made her a girdle of finely wrought gold and wove magic into the fipgree work.他用精金为她做了一条腰带,并将其施以魔法。

5.The old wove what he said into a comppcated story.那位老人把他说的编成了一个复杂的故事。

6.And they clothed Him in purple and wove a thorny crown and put it around His head.他们给他穿上紫袍,又把编成的荆棘冠冕给他戴上,

7.The reapties of the twentieth century which had shocked their fathers now wove the fabric of their own pves.使他们父辈震动的二十世纪的现实,如今成了他们自己生活中的组成部分。

8.To be able to do this, our Sisters, our pves have to be wove with prayer.为了能够做到这一点,我们的姐妹,我们的生活必须与祷告编织。

9.So I wove "The dog peed on my speech" into my introductory comments for the talk that morning, which gave everyone, including me, a laugh.于是,我在早餐会的开场白中写下了这样的话:“我的讲稿被狗尿湿了”。这让包括我自己在内的与会者都不禁莞尔。

10.This kind of wove Mesh is formed by interlocking wire to produce a given aperture.这是一种织网是由连锁生产线给定的光圈。