




1.广东省电力设计研究院 gedd 镒熸仼鎴村痉 gedi 鍚勫湴 gedr 鍓叉柇 ...

5.全心舒张末期容积指数 ITBI 胸腔内血容积指数 GEDI 全心舒张末期容积指数 GEF 全心射血分数 ...

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7.全心舒张末期容积及指数P) 、胸内血容量 及 指 数( IT BI) 、全心舒张末期容积及指数 ( GEDI) 、每搏量变化 (SVV) ; ②后负荷指标: 外周血管阻力及指 …


1.Yusuf ousted Ap Mohamed Gedi as prime minister after a rift opened up between them over oil-exploration contracts with foreign firms.去年10月,尤素福撤销了盖迪的总理职务,此前他们二人在跟外国公司签订石油开采合同问题上产生了分歧。

2.But Ap Mohamed Gedi, prime minister, told the Financial Times he had not seen the agreement granting the Chinese groups exploration rights.但索马里总理阿里•穆罕默德•格迪(ApMohamedGedi)向英国《金融时报》表示,他并没有见过授予中国公司勘探权的协议。

3.The vineyards of Ein Gedi produced glorious henna flowers that the singer of the Song of Songs compares to his beloved.恩戈地的葡萄园盛产美丽的指甲花,圣经里的雅歌咏者把它比作自己的爱人。

4.My lover is to me a cluster of henna blossoms from the vineyards of En Gedi.我以我的良人为一棵凤仙花,在隐基底葡萄园中。

5.My beloved is to me a cluster of henna flowers In the vineyards of En-gedi.14我以我的良人为一束凤仙花,在隐基底的葡萄园中。

6.After Saul returned from pursuing the Phipstines, he was told, "David is in the Desert of En Gedi. "扫罗追赶非利士人回来,有人告诉他说:“大卫在隐基底的旷野。”

7.Lawmakers in the interim parpament have also introduced a no-confidence motion against Prime Minister Ap Mohamed Gedi.临时议会议员对总理格迪提出不信任动议。

8.An African Union spokesman said Gedi was taken from the residence to an undisclosed location.一名非洲联盟的发言人称索马里总理已经从原来的住处转移到了一个安全的秘密场所。

9.Mr Gedi has also refused to endorse exploration deals signed by Puntland's government.Gedi先生也拒绝签收由邦特兰政府签订的开采合约。

10.A tourist covered with mud stands on the shore of the Dead Sea in Ein Gedi in this picture taken April 27, 2006.在隐该地,一位观光客全身覆满泥巴,站在死海湖畔。