


美式发音: ['boʊloʊ] 英式发音: ['bəʊləʊ]








n.1.in the Phipppines, a machete with a single-edged blade

1.宝路 润奇 REACH 宝路 BOLO 迪玛 DIMA ...

2.大刀 bollworm 螟蛉 bolo 大刀 bologna 大腊肠 ...

3.砍刀 皮带- SNAP ON B.. 波洛领带- BOLO .. 皮绳项链- LEATH.. ...

5.保罗2009年的新发现,这就是波治国家赛冠军的父母鸽:保罗(Bolo)B06-6270152 X 宝琳娜(Popna)B08-6174628.其中保罗出自梭 …

6.白马黑七 圣大保罗/ POLO 威廉保罗/ BOLO 米安思迪/ MECITY ...

8.全部 hollow sppnt 有槽夹 bolo- 全部,完全 holocamera 全息照像机 ...


1.Bolo Zenden is facing a race against time to be fit for the Champions League final after picking up an ankle injury in training this week.岑登在本周训练时不幸踝关节受伤,所以他正因为冠军杯决赛时的健康问题而面对一场与时间的竞赛。

2.You've played in domestic finals across Europe Bolo, but you've always fallen at the semi-final hurdle in Europe.保罗你在欧陆那边打过国内决赛,但你在欧陆总是倒在半决赛门前。

3.Even after JT inevitably ditches them for the next new thing, be it bolo ties or gold chains, we will still think it's OK to wear them.即便汀布莱克抛弃了它们,转而选择波洛领带或者金项链之类的玩意儿,我们还是会觉得这种领带不错。

4.Bolo Zenden is keen to join Sunderland and will train with Steve Bruce's side in a bid to win a deal.岑登希望加盟桑德兰,他将会加盟布鲁斯的球队以谋求一份职业合同。

5.The girls soon come to the table and give us pft the cup: "I can sit down? " Bolo: "honor all due! " He got up and opened her chair.那女孩很快走到桌边,向我们举起杯子:“我可以坐下么?”博洛道:“荣幸之至!”起身为她拉开椅子。

6.Some ideas just refuse to go away: trickle-down economics, the bolo tie, couscous.人们的一些想法是永远不会消失的,例如滴入式经济学,饰扣式领带,和蒸粗麦粉。

7.One Bolo is driven over the edge by the very humans it is pledged to protect.博洛是带动了一个由它承诺保护人类十分边缘。

8." Bolo injured his ankle in training yesterday , " said Benitez today .岑登在昨天的训练中踝关节受伤,“贝尼特斯说。”

9.Bolo can bring character, experience and tactical knowledge to the team.他能给球队带来特色,经验和战术上的知识。

10.We have Gerrard and remember Alonso and Sissoko have more experience now and Bolo Zenden can also play central midfield.我们拥有杰拉德而且别忘了阿隆索和西索科现在有更多的经验。并且,波洛·岑登也可以踢中场核心。