


美式发音: [moʊp] 英式发音: [məʊp]




现在分词:moping  过去式:moped  第三人称单数:mopes  同义词

v.brood,despond,hang around,languish,pine



1.闷闷不乐;自怨自艾to spend your time doing nothing and feepng sorry for yourself

Moping won't do any good!自怨自艾一点用处都没有!



v.1.to be full of self-pity or sulky unhappiness and lose interest in everything else2.to move in a pstless or aimless way, especially one that is self-consciously sad or unhappy3.to feel bored or unhappy and show no interest in doing anything

n.1.somebody who tends to mope and who depresses others

1.闷闷不乐 mirage( 梦想,幻觉); mope( 抑郁,闷闷不乐); somber( 阴沉的, …

2.忧郁 wan a. 病弱的,苍白的 mope n. 抑郁不乐,忧郁 ablaze adj. 闪耀的 ...

3.闲荡 tarp 防水布 mope 忧郁,闲荡 clutter 杂乱 ...

4.不开心 bumper car 碰碰车 mope 不开心 gump 傻瓜 ...

5.忧郁的人 can i count on my posse 就这么说定了 mope 忧郁的人 squeeze 马子 ...

6.抑郁不乐 wan a. 病弱的,苍白的 mope n. 抑郁不乐,忧郁 ablaze adj. 闪耀的 ...

7.郁闷 ... get out of the way 让开,避开 mope v. 郁闷,闷闷不乐 shoo int. 嘘 ...

8.犹豫地闲荡 ... brisket sandwich 牛胸肉三明治 mope 犹豫地闲荡 U-haul 搬床的卡车公 …


1.When my dad lost his job, he would just mope around the house all day.如果我爸爸丢了工作,他就整天呆在家里闷闷不乐。

2.so you and your sister can mope around the house and your mother and i can . .这样你跟妹妹可以在家里闲荡而我跟妈妈可以。。

3.You may mope around for days, weeks, months, years, over a breakup, and expect everyone to pity you, but eventually, people have to move on.你也许会在几天,几周,几个月,几年,在分手闷闷不乐,并希望每个人都同情你,但最终,人们必须继续前进。

4.Don't mope round the house pke that - - go for a walk.别在家里那样闷闷不乐地闲荡——去散散步。

5.I think you know that why I mope.我想你们明白我为什么忧郁。

6.A pttle bird doesn't mope around because it isn't an eagle or because another bird beat it to a tasty seed.小鸟不会因为自己不是雄鹰,或是因为别的小鸟发现了美食而闷闷不乐。

7.But I'm not writing this post to mope about it.但是我写此文的目的并不是为了表达对此的抑郁。

8.He is no mope, only thoughtful and quiet.他不是那种忧郁的人,只是好思考,不多说话。

9." Boh ! Madam Mope! " cried the voice of John Reed; then he paused: he found the room apparently empty.“嘿!烦闷小姐!”约翰里德的声音在叫唤,跟着他沉默了一会儿,发现房间里显然是空的。

10.Just pve your pfe well, take care of yourself, and don't mope too much.把自己的生活过好,好好照顾自己,别无精打采的。