


美式发音: [dɪsˈɪntɪˌɡreɪt] 英式发音: [dɪs'ɪntɪ.ɡreɪt]



第三人称单数:disintegrates  现在分词:disintegrating  过去式:disintegrated  同义词反义词





1.[i]碎裂;解体;分裂to break into small parts or pieces and be destroyed

The plane disintegrated as it fell into the sea.飞机坠入大海时解体了。

2.[i]衰微;瓦解;崩溃to become much less strong or united and be gradually destroyed

The authority of the central government was rapidly disintegrating.中央政府的权威在迅速丧失。

v.1.使崩溃,使瓦解2.使分裂,使分解,分化3.崩,碎,分裂,分解4.崩溃,溃散,瓦解 (into)5.【核】蜕变,衰变1.使崩溃,使瓦解2.使分裂,使分解,分化3.崩,碎,分裂,分解4.崩溃,溃散,瓦解 (into)5.【核】蜕变,衰变

v.1.to be completely destroyed by breaking into lots of very small pieces, for example as the result of an explosion2.if an organization or society disintegrates, it stops working effectively and fails completely

1.瓦解 九头蛇 Hydra 瓦解 Disintegrate 能量盾 Energy Shield ...

2.分解 dishonor 丢脸 396. disintegrate 分解;瓦解;崩溃 397. disjunction 不交汇 398. ...

3.分裂 Penetrating Spells 【法术穿透】 Disintegrate分裂】 Wave of Force 【能量波】 ...

4.碎裂 连环闪电 Chain Lightning 碎裂 Disintegrate 诅咒 Curse ...

5.崩溃 disinfect 消毒 disintegrate 崩溃,分裂 disinter 发现,从坟墓中挖出 ...

6.解体 解题〖 solveproblems〗 解体disintegrate〗 解调〖 demodulate〗 ...

7.解离术 disintegrate 分离使分解 disintegrate 使分解 disintegration rate 分解率 ...


1.Atoms of 114 disintegrate within a few seconds, while 116 disappears in just a fraction of a second, Moody said.114号元素在几秒钟之内就会消失,而116号元素的寿命甚至不足一秒钟。

2.It is often said that in the face of the euro crisis the EU must either integrate or disintegrate.经常有人说,面临着欧元危机的欧洲要么整合要么分裂,哪一种都有可能。

3.Forecasters say it should disintegrate completely in the next day as it hits colder air in Canada.气象预报人员说,厄尔在撞击加拿大冷空气后的第二天,应该会彻底消散。

4.Most of the new elements that get created pke this last bilponths of a second before they disintegrate.大多数被创造出来的新元素在衰变以前只能存在十亿分之一秒。

5.Also, the ionizing radiation used by irradiators is not strong enough to disintegrate the nucleus of even one atom of a food molecule.同样的,辐照设备所产生的电离辐射也没有足够的能量使得哪怕一个组成食品分子的原子分裂。

6.Early amppfiers were made of crude materials that tended to disintegrate over use, causing the amp to "run away. "早期的放大器,是用天然材料制成,而这种未经加工的材料往往会在使用的过程中逐渐分解,导致电流的流失。

7.China would have to totally collapse and disintegrate as a cohesive nation state for it to happen.如果这样,中国将会全面崩溃,瓦解成民族割据的国家。

8.Cathcart's book ends with a discussion of the question why the tortoise beat the hares in the race to disintegrate nuclei with accelerators.卡斯喀特在书的末尾探讨了这样一个问题:为什么乌龟在用加速器分裂原子的赛跑中击败了兔子?

9.It finds that carbon dioxide emissions are making seawaters so acidic that coral reefs could begin to disintegrate within a few decades.据发现二氧化碳的排放正使得海水变酸,从而使珊瑚礁在未来的几十年内分解掉。

10.But the bonds between my parents and sisters continued to disintegrate.但父母与我们姐妹间的关系仍在分崩离析。