




1.玻尔兹曼数序列)也是一种稳态自适应选择,它的变化依赖于预先确定的指数 的变化。波兹曼Boltzmann)选择则是一种动态自适应 …

5.波尔兹曼的60. 还是关于波尔兹曼的 (boltzmann) 前面说过boltzmann的墓志铭是 S=k*lnW 不过俺这一回主要不是讲这个 小爱当时还年轻, …

6.波尔茨曼这一见解在波尔茨曼(Boltzmann)那里获得了明确的陈述,并且在哲学方面从所谓实用主义那里〔詹姆士、席勒(Schiller)、柏格 …

7.玻尔茨曼尽管这是一种理论的可能性,但正像玻尔茨曼Boltzmann )预见的,其概率如此之小,以至历史哲学可以忽略不计。但我们 …


1.Boltzmann, depressed over the lack of acceptance of his theories, put himself to an early death.波耳兹曼因为自己的理论,不被认同而抑郁终生,使自己过早走向死亡。

2.And what that means is all these terms, all these Boltzmann factors, we just set them equal to one.这意味着这里的所有项,这里所有的波尔兹曼因子,都等于一。

3.The internal energy of a population of these ions is given by a Boltzmann distribution.在这些离子人口内部能量给予一玻尔兹曼分布。

4.Theorem of equipartition of energy, internal energy of ideal gas. Maxwell distribution law of velocity, Boltzmann distribution law .能量均分定理,理想气体的内能;麦克斯韦速率分布率;玻尔兹曼分布率。

5.Note: Not to be confused with the other Boltzmann equation, which describes how gases or fluids move energy around.提示:不要跟另一个波尔兹曼方程式弄混淆了。那个描述的是气体或液体如何移动周围的能量。

6.The paper derives Boltzmann distribution law in terms of the principle of maximum information entropy.本文从信息熵概念着手,利用信息熵的极值性质导出了Boltzmann分布律。

7.In a periodic structure, the transport property can be well described by the Boltzmann's transport equation.电子在周期性晶格中的传输行为,可由古典的波兹曼理论描述。

8.s: Law of equipartition of energy is proved by the promotion of Boltzmann distribution Law.通过对玻耳兹曼分布律的推广,从而证明能均分定理。

9.In this background, the lattice Boltzmann method comes forth and progresses rapidly as an attractive numerical computation method.格子法就是在此背景下孕育发展起来的一种极具魅力的数值计算方法。

10.The procedure of phase transition from supersaturated gas into droplets was simulated in a multiple lattice Boltzmann method.用晶格玻尔兹曼方法真实地再现了过饱和气体成核凝结成液滴的过程。