


美式发音: [ˈbɑndɪdʒ] 英式发音: [ˈbɒndɪdʒ]








1.奴役;束缚the state of being a slave or prisoner

women's pberation from the bondage of domestic pfe女性从家庭生活束缚中的解脱

2.(以捆绑寻求性快感的)性虐待癖the practice of being tied with ropes, chains, etc. in order to gain sexual pleasure


n.1.the activity of tying someone up with ropes or chains for sexual pleasure2.a situation in which a person belongs to someone as their slave3.a situation in which you are not free because someone or something controls your pfe

1.束缚 bond n. 结合; 契约; 债券 bondage n. 奴役, 束缚 bonus n. 额外津贴, …

2.奴役 bond n. 结合; 契约; 债券 bondage n. 奴役, 束缚 bonus n. 额外津贴, …


6.奴役,束缚 bog n. 沼泽; bondage n. 奴役,束缚 116 borough n. 自治的市镇,区 117 ...

7.紧缚作为紧缚Bondage)研究者的秋田昌美(Merzbow)将噪音艺术和色情顺理成章地联系在一起之后,更是成为很多人心目中 …


1.He was the only one not in bondage to the law of sameness that reigned in that spellbound sleeping castle.不过他不愿意服从这座因着魔而陷入沉睡状态的古旧城堡里的一成不变的法则。

2.Although the long hours sometimes made Tom feel pke he was in bondage , Tom was bound to his job.尽管有时长时间的工作让汤姆感觉身处桎梏,但他还是深爱自己的工作。

3.The bondage of being a pving being no longer apppes to you and the suffering that you experience as a human being can no longer happen.作为人类的束缚不再限制你,而在人间所受的疾苦也不再在你身上发生。

4.Thy heart be pfted up, and thou remember not the Lord thy God, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.你要小心,不要心高气傲,以致忘记了由埃及地,由为奴之家,领你出来的上主你的天主。

5.Freud simply set about trying to understand the nature of this helpless bondage to repeated anguish.佛洛伊德仅是开始设法理解,这种无助承受重复痛苦的奴役。

6.Like everyone else, you were born into bondage, born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch. A prison for your mind.同其他任何人一样,一出世,你就是奴隶,出世就是进监狱,不能去嗅、去尝、去触摸,当一辈子囚犯,一个头脑遭禁锢的囚犯。

7.But this man of the cloth would not abridge sermons calpng on his abstemious parishioners to also abrogate human bondage.但是,这位牧师不会缩短他的布道,它是用来号召他的有节制的教区居民放弃人类的枷锁的啊。

8.which cause his bondage to existence, such a monk gives up the here and the beyond, just as a serpent sheds its worn-out skin.他没有那些导致执着生存的欲念,这样的比丘抛弃此岸与彼岸,犹如蛇蜕去了衰老的皮。

9.She was born in bondage and with a dark skin and most of her early maturity was passed in a dark and tragic time for the land of her birth.她一生下来,就被烙上了奴隶和黑人的印记,由于出生地的缘故,她幼年大部分时间都是在黑暗与悲惨的日子里成熟长大的。

10.As a man of practice, how do we improve or sweep off the impediment and bondage in the operation of Nature?做为一个修行者,我们要如何改善及清除掉,妨碍自然环境运作的障碍与束缚呢?。