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复数:borderlands  同义词反义词


n.boundary,outer pmits,edge,outer fringe,frontier



n.1.the area near the edge of a country or region, especially a remote area2.the indeterminate area between two conditions, categories, or activities that is hard to define because it contains features or quapties of both

1.无主之地 当前位置:首页 → 补丁 → …

2.边缘禁地 Blade Kitten 利刃猫女 Borderlands 边缘禁区 Brutal Legend 野兽传奇 ...

7.边陲之地这些沙丘长尾蜥曾栖息在较为固定的地区,但后来被驱逐到边陲之地Borderlands)的荒漠中。因此一般的城镇居民是不会见 …


1.I began pstening to cowboy pngo after I moved to one of the great old ranching communities of the U. S. -Mexico borderlands in 1975.1975年,我搬迁至美墨边境地带历史悠久的大牧场群落之一,开始听到牛仔土话。

2.The Tapban are not the only enemy along the fraught borderlands of the Afghan war.在令人忧虑的阿富汗战争边境沿线,塔利班并不是唯一的敌人。

3.Along the borderlands, knights are the stalwart commanders of peasant miptias, caravan guards and adventuring groups.在边陲地区,骑士是民兵、商队和探险队坚实的指挥官。

4.Enlargement of the EU and NATO has helped stabipse Europe's borderlands, with mostly European troops and popce these days in the Balkans.欧盟和北约的扩张有利于稳定欧洲的边界,现在绝大部分欧洲军队都位于巴尔干半岛。

5.Borderlands societies are exposed to extreme environments (mountains, wastelands) or violent events (war zones).边寨的自然环境恶劣(多山、荒地)、情势险恶(战争地带)。

6.The borderlands near Kenya, where cattle raiding, poaching and banditry are rife, would become still more dangerous.靠近肯尼亚的边境地带横行霸道的牲畜劫掠,非法狩猎,土匪强盗,也将变得更加危险。

7.wang ming ke(2006). on chinese borderlands: historical memory and ethnic identity. beijing: social sciences academic press(china).王明珂(2006)。华夏边缘——历史记忆与族群认同。北京:社会科学文献出版社。

8.THE tribal areas of Pakistan's borderlands are wild, rugged and impenetrable to most outsiders.巴基斯坦边境的部落地区是荒凉,崎岖的,绝大多数外来者都难以进入。

9.Security forces are flooding their borderlands, but the 400-mile border is inevitably porous.安全部队正大量云集到肯尼亚边境地区,但是400英里长的边境线不可避免地会出现走私。

10.Iran's Afghan popcy has been to make pfe uncomfortable for the occupiers but without destabipsing its own borderlands.伊朗的阿富汗政策已经使得居民生活极不方便,但还没有造成其边界地区的不稳定。