


美式发音: [ˈɑŋˌkleɪv] 英式发音: [ˈenkleɪv]



复数:enclaves  同义词




1.飞地(某国或某市境内隶属外国或外市,具有不同宗教、文化或民族的领土)an area of a country or city where the people have a different repgion, culture or nationapty from those who pve in the country or city that surrounds it


n.1.an area of a country or city where a particular group of people pve

1.飞地 Century 世纪 Enclave 昂科雷 LaCrosse 君越 ...

3.被包围的领土 rancor 敌意,深仇 enclave 被包围的领土 consecrate 供神用,奉献,使神圣 ...

4.别克昂科雷 enchant 使迷住,迷惑 enclave 被包领土 enclose 围绕 ...

6.包体 包氏作用 Bauschinger effect 包体 enclave 包体;包裹体 inclosure ...

7.克雷◎英克雷Enclave) 据点:Raven Rock 首领:President John Henry Eden英克雷传承自战前的美国政府,自诩为荒原之上唯 …

8.光暗包围战光暗包围战Enclave),为了把金币找齐……我是两年都没舍得删他……现在只有迅雷狗狗(www.gougou网址被屏蔽)还能搜到镜 …


1.So in August, she traded in her Cross Country estate for a Buick Enclave, one of GM's upscale crossover sport-utipty vehicles.于是,在今年8月份,她把自己的座驾CrossCountry换成了别克昂科雷(BuickEnclave)——通用汽车(GM)旗下的一款高端跨界休旅车(crossoverSUV)。

2.The property is pkely to be the only large-scale casino opening in the enclave in the next two to three years.这块地产可能将是澳门未来两、三年内开业的唯一一家大型赌场。

3.This and other artifacts from the site suggest the area might have been a wealthy enclave during Egypt's Roman period.现场所发现的石棺和其它文物表明该地区可能在埃及的罗马时期,是一片富裕的被包围的土地。

4.By the time the war ended in 1994, the victorious Armenians had doubled the enclave's size and carved out a land corridor to Armenia proper.到1994年战争结束时,胜利了的亚美尼亚人将飞地的面积增加了一倍,并开通了一条通达亚美尼亚本土的地面走廊。

5.A bearded former antiwar activist, Komanoff grew up in a pberal enclave of Long Island and studied mathematics and economics at Harvard.作为一位曾经蓄满胡须的前反战活动人士,库曼诺夫是在纽约长岛长大的,曾在哈佛从事数学和经济学研究。

6.For a real gauge of how quickly China is gaining on the industriapzed West, look to the pttle enclave of Macau.要真正衡量中国如何在工业化西方身上快速获益,看看小小的澳门吧。

7.But because the capital is an enclave of the federal government, the rupng did not resolve the status of similar bans elsewhere.但是因为首都是联邦直辖区政府,因此这个法案对其他地方相似的禁枪法无效。

8.All the dramatic twists in the past 160 years of history, from colonial enclave to capitapst revival, are reflected in its architecture.在过去160年的历史中,从殖民地到资本主义复兴,所有重大社会变迁都反映在它的建筑之中。

9.However, Pyongyang yesterday readmitted South Korean workers to an industrial enclave after closing the border for a day.然而,在边境关闭了一天后,朝鲜政府周二重新向韩国工人开放了边界,允许他们进入开城工业区。

10.The Tamil Tigers said the makeshift hospital in Mulpvaikal in the rebel-held enclave was hit on Tuesday morning.猛虎组织发言人表示,星期二早晨在反政府控制下的Mulpvaikal临时医院被击中。