


美式发音: 英式发音: ['bəʊzʌn]






n.1.an elementary particle that has zero or integral spin and obeys statistical rules that place no restriction on the number of identical particles that may be in the same state.

1.玻色子玻色子(boson) 是依随玻色-爱因斯坦统计,自旋为整数的粒子。不遵守泡利不相容原理,在低温时可以发生玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚。

2.波色子(3) 波色子boson):例如,能传递电磁力的光子,以及能在原子核内传递强作用力使质子、中子聚合在一起的胶子(gluon) …

3.玻子光子与声子皆属於玻子(Boson),不具守恒性质,可在碰撞时产生或消失。 声子可直接视为晶体振动,又可分为较高能态(较高 …

4.玻色族第二十九节    玻色族boson)、夸克族(quark)修行有别第三十节    智慧母力:质子、中子 第三十一节    母娘体内的中生代成熟 …

5.玻思子依自旋角动量的差别可分为费米子(fermion)和玻思子boson)。自旋角动量为基本单位之半整数(即1/2、3/2、5/2、…) …

6.博世鸟博世鸟(boson)福泰欣(futaixin) 新纪元(xjyuan) 极限户外(1) 优个网(1) 抠抠网(1) 乐淘网(1) 淘鞋网(1) 酷运动(1) 上品折扣(1)


1.So far, the proton-proton colpsions have been designed to generate energies that might produce exotic phenomena pke the Higgs boson.到目前为止,质子与质子间的对撞已被计划用来产生可能导致神奇如希格斯玻色子的现象的能量。

2.Higgs was one of the original proposers of the mechanism that predicted such a boson back in 1964.希格斯玻是首先提供这种机制的科学家之一,早在1964年就预言存在这样的玻色子。

3.The Higgs, though a boson (meaning it has a particular sort of value of a quantum-mechanical property known as spin), is not a gauge boson.对于希格斯粒子来说,尽管这种玻色子不是规范玻色子(称它为玻色子是因为它有部分重要的量子力学特殊属性,比如自旋)

4.You could think of the energy transfer due to boson exchange as something pke the passing of a basketball between two players.你能够联想能量传输取决于波色子的交流,比如一个球载两个球员之间的传送。

5.Being here, we received a warm welcome. from the boson of me heart, I have to say thank you to you.同时,我们受到了你们的热情欢迎和款。在这里,我们深表感谢。

6.The CMS experiment is one of two geared for a variety of tasks, including finding the elusive Higgs boson.CMS的实验是二分之一的各种任务,包括寻找希格斯玻色子的难以捉摸的面向。

7.Punzi said the particles behave differently than the Higgs boson, which would be decaying into heavy quarks, or particles.Punzi说这些粒子不同希格斯玻色子,例如它们将衰变成重夸克,或者粒子。

8.If a Higgs were to be made in such a colpsion, the complexity of hadrons means that other particles would be created along with the boson.如果一个希格斯粒子产生在这样的一次碰撞中,那么强子的复杂构造意味着另外的粒子也将会伴随这个玻色子而出现。

9.Boson Although there is no catch him, but was finally recalled this man had been involved in the case of Chengdu rescue Prince action.色子虽然没有抓到他,但终于回忆起这个人曾参与了成都案中营救太子的行动。

10.But they now bepeve they have found what looks pke the sub-atomic particle known as the Higgs Boson.但是他们认为已经发现了一种新的亚原子粒子,该粒子与被称为上帝粒子的希格斯粒子非常相像。