




1.吼叫声 growl (狗等)嗥叫;咆哮 grrr (老虎的)吼叫声 grub 幼虫,穷文人 ...

2.哎呀 )Boo= 嘘 )Grrr= 哎呀 1、狮子: roar,howl ...

3.狗吠声 ... She grinds her teeth when she is asleep. 她睡觉时磨牙。 grrr 狗吠声 grunt (尤指猪的)呼噜声 ...

4.叽阿 ... paper work: 文字工作 grrr: 叽阿 miss: 错过 ...

5.大狗龇牙吓人声 Giggle (女孩子等)吃吃笑声 Grrr 大狗龇牙吓人声 Grunt (猪等)哼哼声 ...

6.叽啊 ... shot: 注射 grrr: 叽啊 whoa: 惊叹声 ...

7.语气词 ... LMAO:laughing my ass off 笑的肚子疼,也是表示大笑 Grrr语气词 BTW:by the way 顺便,顺 …

8.的确是感叹词 ... since then 从那时候起 grrr 的确是感叹词 put yourself down 放低自己的姿态 ...


1."Grrr! " the wolf growled angrily. "Nobody gives me the cold shoulder. Now, come along. " And he began dragging her across the ice.大狼怒火中烧,咆哮:「从来没人会这麽冷淡地对我,来吧,给我走。」他拖着她穿过冰原。

2.mom: good morning, dear. did you have a nice sleep? howard: urgh. grrr. mom: what was that? come on!妈妈:亲爱的,早安。睡得好不好?霍华:喔。呃。妈妈:怎么回事?拜托!

3.I know it was sound effects but mmmm, that face. Grrr. Very sexy. . . er, playful.我知道那声音是合成的,但你的表情非常性感有趣。

4.Grrr. . . ! So you told Monkey not to bring me anything! Grrr. . . I'll kill you!吼…!你叫猴子不要拿任何东西给我!吼…我要杀死你!

5.Grr r. . . ! So you told the monkey not to bring me anything! Grrr. . . I'll kill you!吼….!是你让猴子不要给我带任何东西!吼….我要杀了你!

6.Grrr . . . ! So you told Monkey not to bring me anything !你告诉猴子不要给我带吃的!

7.Grrr! Is that your coat?咳咳!那是你的上衣吗?