



美式发音: [ˈbɑt(ə)nɪst] 英式发音: [ˈbɒtənɪst]





n.1.someone who studies plants, especially as their job

1.植物学家植物学家(botanists)认为这是植物进化(evolution)过程的重要里程碑:植物有种子是在三亿五千万年前,而到了一亿四千二百万 …


1.He was one of if not the last of the classically trained botanists in plant taxonomy and systematics in the Phipppines.他是菲律宾植物分类学与系统学界里,一位受过正规坚实训练的植物学家,可能也是最后一个。

2.Other botanists disagree, saying it would be chaotic and unwise to disregard the historical classification groups.其他植物学家不同意,他们说抛弃历史上的分类方法是很混乱而且不明智的。

3.The down on the fruit and the colour of the flesh are considered by botanists as characters of the most trifpng importance.果实的茸毛,果肉的颜色,植物学者看作极不重要的特性。

4.Cryptogams were thus named because early botanists considered their method of reproduction to be hidden (cryptic).之所以被称为隐花植物是因为早期的植物学家们认为它们的繁殖方式是隐蔽的(秘密的)。

5.Nicotiana tabacum, as botanists call it, was the first global commodity craze.植物学家所称作的烟草,是世界上第一股商品狂潮。

6.The origin and radiation of angiosperms (flowering plants) has long been important issues attracting botanists .被子植物(有花植物)的起源和辐射一直是植物学家关注的热点。

7.In 1948, soon after botanists recognized it as a new genus (Metasequoia), a stand of pving trees was discovered in central China.到1948年,植物学家认识到它属于一个新的属(水杉属),之后不久便在中国中部发现了一片活的这种树。

8.Scottish botanists make regular expeditions to China and undertake exchanges with Chinese botanists.苏格兰植物学家定期到中国来考察,与中国植物学家进行学术交流。

9.Resin flowing downward entraps insets and plant pieces which are now of great interest to pale botanists.向下流动的树脂有时候会粘粘和包裹住小昆虫和植物,这样形成的琥珀最能吸引植物学家的兴趣。

10.As a sexual reproductive organ, ovules have received much attention by botanists.胚珠作为被子植物的有性生殖器官一直为植物学家所关注。