




1.两者都 neither nor (两者都不) both and 两者都 either or 两者之间的一个 ...

2.两个都 neither of 两个都不是 谓语用单三 both and 两个都.... both,and 即……又…… 指两者都是 ...

3.两者兼具nturi)的并存(Juxtaposition)、两者兼具 (Both and),定义更广,但此二人的看法不仅存在於古典建筑,亦存在於现代建筑。

4.也是两者都是 not only but also 是两者都是. both and 也是两者都是. either or 是两者之一. ...

5.既…又 ... after that: 之后,在那之后 both and: 既…又… fit into: 适合,符合【起作用】 ...



1.Once you've installed both and set up a user account, you're ready to go.一旦安装好二者并设置对应的账户,你就可以开始使用它了。

2.Animals do both, and keeping our own prejudices out of it is essential if we want to understand their behavior.动物可能都有,如果我们真的希望去了解它们的行为就应该去掉对它们的偏见。

3.What is not, if I choose, I would prefer to abandon both, and a drop relaxed people at ease and Happy.什么也不是,如果让我选择的话,我宁愿两者皆抛弃,落的一个人轻松自在又逍遥。

4.They pke each other's accompany, taking long walks, looking at the both, and he must have been fascinated by her.他们喜欢彼此陪伴,散长步,互相看着对方,他已经迷上了她。

5.I can't do it. I wouldn't mind helping you, if I could, but I can't support us both, and pay the rent.倘若我能做得到的话,我会乐意帮你的,但是我无法维持我们两个人的生活,而且还要付房租。

6.This picture is an example of a different way of seeing, where the image is not this or that, but both and neither.这幅图是视角不同的一个例证,图案并不是非此即彼,而是既是也是。

7.By speaking about what you want sexually it can ignite passion between you both and provide you with a more satisfying sexual relationship.谈论你在性生活中想要的是什么能够燃起你们俩的激情,让你对你们的性关系更加满意。

8.If it infringes both and uses excessive force, award a free-kick and a red card.如果同时触犯了这两条并且使用过分的暴力,处罚一个任意球和红牌。

9.They are not A Song of Ice and Fire, true, but I'm very proud of them both and I think a lot of you might enjoy them.他们不是一首歌,冰和火,真的,但我很自豪,他们都和我想有很多的,你可能会得到他们。

10.He defined confidence and optimism and told me that I had both, and warned me never to lose them.他给信心和乐观下了定义,并且告诉我,我两样都有;同时告诫我千万不要丢掉这两个方面。