


美式发音: [grɪld] 英式发音: [grɪld]









v.1.The past participle and past tense of grill

1.烤的 steamed 蒸的 grilled 烤的 watercress 豆瓣菜 ...

2.烧烤 【PORK 猪五花肉】 Grilled 烧烤 Adobo 红烧 ...

3.火烧眉毛s)、及喜剧《全职叔叔》(Say Uncle)、《火烧眉毛》(Grilled)和《父与子》(Fathers and Sons) 。


5.铁扒烤的 toasted 烤的(如面包) grilled 铁扒烤的 baked 烘的 ...

6.烧烤的 baked 烤的、烘的 grilled 烧烤的 devilled 加辣调味品烧烤的 ...


1.I checked it out on the Internet, and I learned that this is true, that grilled stuff is really no good for you.我在互联网了解到,烤的东西真的对你没有好处。

2.Fried or grilled food whether the food itself, as long as the hot and cold sex by Fried or barbecue, are easy to yeet hay food.油炸或火烤的食物不管食物本身的冷热性,只要采用油炸或烧烤,都是易上火的食物。

3.So far, she can detect burners on her stove when making a grilled cheese, her mirror frame, and whether her computer monitor is on.煎芝士时她能看到炉子上的火眼,还能看到镜框以及电脑显示器有没有亮着。

4.Also, none of the restaurants could prepare the steamed fish and grilled vegetables he subsists on to his pking.此外,这里没有一家餐馆能够为他准备他最爱吃的蒸鱼和烤蔬菜。

5.Were Mr Zuckerberg to be grilled by senators who have not yet grasped the concept of e-mail, he might let his irritation show.如果Zuckerberg先生被那些还没弄清电子邮件概念的参议员拷问,他大约无法掩饰自己的怒气。

6.i thought we were going to be serving grilled swordfish . but i guess we ' re not.我原以为我们会烤剑鱼吃,但现在看来,没希望了。

7.The eel is grilled on bamboo skewers over a hot wood fire, repeatedly dipped in water, and returned to the fire to steam the meat.烧烤鳗鱼是将鳗鱼穿在竹签上放在热木火上烤,反复浸水,再放回火上,烤掉肉中的水汽。

8.Warm and cheesy grilled cheese sandwiches are a nice way to turn a bad day into a nice one.热乎的有着融化乳酪的乳酪三明治是一个能把糟糕的一天变成美好一天的神奇食物。

9.Officers grilled him for more than seven hours, insisting from the start that he had committed the crime.警官们拷问了他七个小时,从一开始就认定是他犯下了这宗罪。

10.Sometimes a mention on Winfrey's show can generate too much interest. That was the case with a coupon offer for KFC's grilled chicken.有时在奥普拉的节目上提到能产生太大的兴趣。肯德基提供的烤鸡优惠券就是这样的。