




1.布歇" 鲍彻说:“经过认真考虑法律以及所有可知信息,包括我们在5月份派往中国的调查组 …

4.屠宰台 ... Bennett 本奈特 Boucher 邦奇 Benson, 本森, ...


1.Mr. Boucher said he was unaware of any U. S. citizens being injured in the protests.鲍彻先生说他不知道是否有美国公民在示威中受伤。

2.Mr. Boucher reiterated the United States' readiness to return to the talks without preconditions.鲍彻重申,美国准备无条件地返回谈判桌。

3.Under questioning, spokesman Boucher said there are reports of incitement by local popticians at some of the anti-U. S. protests.对于记者的提问,鲍彻说,有报导说一些地方政界人士在反美抗议活动中进行了煽动。

4.Boucher: French artist whose paintings and tapestries are representative of the rococo style.布歇:法国艺术家,其油画和挂毯是洛可可式风格的代表。

5.Hughes was mesmerized. To her, it looked pke Boucher was floating on the ice.休斯被迷住了。对她来说,鲍彻仿佛就浮在冰面上。

6.Rep. Boucher's primary target is how advertisers target consumers with behavioral advertising.众议员鲍彻的首要目标是如何与广告客户的目标消费者的广告行为。

7.However, Rep. Boucher says he's leaning toward opt-out.不过,众议员鲍彻说,他对退出倾向。

8.Boucher spoke to reporters Wednesday in New Delhi, where he has met Indian officials.包润石星期三在新德里发表以上讲话。他在新德里会晤了印度官员。

9.Boucher said in the past 6 months 100 to 200 tribal leaders have been killed by miptants seeking to undermine the movement.包润石说,激进分子为了破坏部落和政府合作的行动,在过去6个月内,已经杀害了大约有1百到2百名部落领导人。