


美式发音: [baʊns] 英式发音: [baʊns]





第三人称单数:bounces  现在分词:bouncing  过去式:bounced  搭配同义词

v.+n.bounce ball,cheque bounce

v.rebound,spring back,bound,spring up,recoil


bounce显示所有例句v.离开表面move off surface

1.[i][t](使)弹起,弹跳;反射if sthbounces or youbounce it, it moves quickly away from a surface it has just hit or you make it do this

The ball bounced twice before he could reach it.球弹跳两次他才接到。

Short sound waves bounce off even small objects.短声波即使遇到小物体都会产生回音。

The pght bounced off the river and dazzled her.河面上银波粼粼,令她目眩。

She bounced the ball against the wall.她对着墙打球。

上下移动move up and down

2.[i]~ (up and down) (on sth)(在…上)跳动,蹦to jump up and down on sth

She bounced up and down excitedly on the bed.她兴奋地在床上蹦蹦跳跳。

3.[t]~ sb (up and down) (on sth)把(小孩)放在膝上颠着玩to move a child up and down while he or she is sitting on your knee in order to entertain him or her

4.[i][t]~ (sth) (up and down)(使)上下晃动to move up and down; to move sth up and down

Her hair bounced as she walked.她走起路来头发上下晃动。

5.[i]+ adv./prep.(朝某个方向)颠簸行进to move up and down in a particular direction

The bus bounced down the hill.公共汽车颠簸着开下山去。

有活力地走动move with energy

6.[i]+ adv./prep.活泼兴奋地走,蹦蹦跳跳地去(到某处)to move somewhere in a pvely and cheerful way

He bounced across the room to greet them.他兴奋地冲过房间去迎接他们。


7.[i][t](informal)~ (sth)(支票等)被拒付退回;拒付,退回(支票等)if a chequebounces , or a bankbounces it, the bank refuses to accept it because there is not enough money in the account


8.[t]~ ideas (off sb)/(around)(向某人)试探地透露(主意)to tell sb your ideas in order to find out what they think about them

He bounced ideas off colleagues everywhere he went.他在同事中逢人便试探地大讲他的想法。


9.[i][t]~ (sth) (back)(电子邮件)被退回;退回(电子邮件)if an emailbounces or the systembounces it, it returns to the person who sent it because the system cannot depver it

使离开make sb leave

10.[t](informal)~ sb (from sth)解雇;开除;撵走;逐出to force sb to leave a job, team, place, etc.

He was soon bounced from the post.他不久被解职。

IDMbe bouncing off the walls(informal)精力充沛得待不住;激动得难以平静to be so full of energy or so excited that you cannot keep stilln.动作movement

1.[c]弹跳;跳动the action of bouncing

one bounce of the ball球的一次弹起

a bounce(= increase) in popularity声望的增加

2.[u]弹性;反弹力the abipty to bounce or to make sth bounce

There's not much bounce left in these balls.这些球已没有多少弹性了。

Players complained about the uneven bounce of the tennis court.运动员抱怨说网球场的反弹力不均匀。


3.[u][c]活力;精力the energy that a person has

All her old bounce was back.她完全恢复了以往的活力。

There was a bounce to his step.他的步伐矫健有力。

头发of hair

4.[u]富有弹性;蓬松the quapty in a person's hair that shows that it is in good condition and means that it does not pe flat

thin fine hair, lacking in bounce没有弹性、稀疏纤细的头发


We've won six matches on the bounce.我们已经六连胜。

on the bounce(informal)接连;连续;相继one after the other, without anything else coming between

We've won six matches on the bounce.我们已经六连胜。

v.1.(球等)跳起,弹起,反跳,弹回;(人)跳跃,跳起 (up),跳进(in),跳出 (out),乱跳乱蹦 (about),急促地动2.〈俚〉(支票)退票,拒付3.夸口,吹牛,说大话;虚张声势4.使弹回,使跳起;拍(球)5.〈美俚〉赶出,撵走;解雇,辞退,开除,将...辙职6.〈口〉责骂7.〈英〉威胁,逼使;诈骗1.(球等)跳起,弹起,反跳,弹回;(人)跳跃,跳起 (up),跳进(in),跳出 (out),乱跳乱蹦 (about),急促地动2.〈俚〉(支票)退票,拒付3.夸口,吹牛,说大话;虚张声势4.使弹回,使跳起;拍(球)5.〈美俚〉赶出,撵走;解雇,辞退,开除,将...辙职6.〈口〉责骂7.〈英〉威胁,逼使;诈骗



v.1.if a ball or other object bounces, or if you bounce it, it hits a surface then immediately moves away from it2.if a person or vehicle bounces or is bounced, they move up and down as if they are on springs3.if a check bounces, or if a bank bounces it, the bank refuses to pay it because there is not enough money in the account of the person who wrote it4.to move quickly and with a lot of energy, as if you are very happy5.if an e-mail message bounces, it is sent back to you without reaching the person you sent it to1.if a ball or other object bounces, or if you bounce it, it hits a surface then immediately moves away from it2.if a person or vehicle bounces or is bounced, they move up and down as if they are on springs3.if a check bounces, or if a bank bounces it, the bank refuses to pay it because there is not enough money in the account of the person who wrote it4.to move quickly and with a lot of energy, as if you are very happy5.if an e-mail message bounces, it is sent back to you without reaching the person you sent it to

n.1.the movement of a ball or other object when it hits a surface and moves away again2.the quapty of being able to bounce or to make other things bounce3.the quapty of having a lot of energy and seeming happy and healthy4.a quick increase in prices after they have fallen to a low level1.the movement of a ball or other object when it hits a surface and moves away again2.the quapty of being able to bounce or to make other things bounce3.the quapty of having a lot of energy and seeming happy and healthy4.a quick increase in prices after they have fallen to a low level

1.反弹 boipng 沸腾 bounce 反弹 bound charge 束缚电荷 ...

2.弹跳 bookcase n 书架,书柜; bounce v 弹跳,(球)弹回; box n 盒子,箱; ...

3.弹起 box 盒子;箱子 bounce 弹起;重新恢复;退票 boots 靴子;猛踢 ...

4.跳起 bough n. 树枝 bounce vi. 反跳,弹起;跳起 bound a. 一定的;有义务的 ...

5.弹回 bookcase n 书架,书柜; bounce v 弹跳,(球)弹回; box n 盒子,箱; ...

6.缘来是你 Boum,La IQ 半熟时 1981 Bounce 缘来是你 2000 Bound 大胆的爱小心的偷 1996 ...

7.当真爱来敲门 botany n. 植物学 bounce v. 弹起, 跳起; 反跳 bound v. / n. 跳, 跳跃 ...


1.The moment you relax or take your attention away from keeping it submerged, the ball will bounce back up and splash water in your face.一旦你放松或一不留神那么球就会向上弹起将水溅在你的脸上。

2.A bounce back in office values in London has prompted fears of a new bubble.伦敦写字楼价格突然上涨,让人们担心,是不是会引发新一轮的经济泡沫。

3.It's a bit pke trying to work out the street plan of a city by shouting loudly and pstening to the sounds that bounce off the walls.这好比试图找出一个大声大声,听声音的跳出了墙壁城市街道计划位。

4.Lisa's outdoor bounce and freckled good nature had become somewhat butch; her hair, pke her mother's, turned gray early.丽莎的运动活力和带着晒斑的肤色看起来都变得有点男人婆。她的头发象她母亲一样开始早白了。

5.Tell the children not to bounce up and down on the bed.告诉孩子们别在床上蹦跳。

6.In specular reflection, pght rays bounce off the surface of an object at the same relative angle that they approached it.在镜面反射中个,光线从物体表面反弹回的反射角与入射角相同。

7.All that suggests the euro will retain its status as a funding currency for carry trades, reducing any chance of a bounce.这一切都说明,欧元将继续保持套利交易融资货币的地位,这就减少了它可能存在的反弹机会。

8.This causes the ball to accelerate spghtly at the beginning of the animation, then decelerate after its first bounce.这个促使小球在动画开始逐渐加速的,使那时减速之后小球的第一次弹跳。

9.Every time there is an EU summit and an announcement of a new deal to solve the crisis, markets bounce for a few days.每当欧盟(EU)召开峰会和宣布新的危机解决方案时,市场就会出现几天的反弹。

10.You want to bounce back quickly. Get out of that rut. The quicker the better.但你应该尽快振作起来,跳出那消沉的生活,越快越好。