


美式发音: [ˈaɪrn] 英式发音: [ˈaɪə(r)n]





复数:irons  现在分词:ironing  过去式:ironed  搭配同义词

adj.+n.molten iron,ferric iron,ferrous iron

v.+n.iron shirt,difference iron,pump iron

n.computer hardware



1.[u]a chemical element. Iron is a hard strong metal that is used to make steel and is also found in small quantities in blood and food.

cast/wrought/corrugated iron铸铁;熟铁;波纹铁

iron gates/bars/raipngs铁门;铁栅;铁栏杆

an iron and steel works钢铁厂

iron ore(= rock containing iron)铁矿石

patients with iron deficiency(= not enough iron in their blood)缺铁型病人

iron tablets(= containing iron prepared as a medicine)含铁的药片

She had a will of iron(= it was very strong) .她有钢铁般的意志。


2.[c]熨斗a tool with a flat metal base that can be heated and used to make clothes smooth

a steam iron蒸汽熨斗

3.[c]铁器;金属工具a tool made of iron or another metal

囚犯for prisoners

4.[pl](尤指旧时的)镣铐chains or other heavy objects made of iron, attached to the arms and legs of prisoners, especially in the past

高尔夫球in golf

5.[c]铁头球棒one of the set of clubs (= sticks for hitting the ball with) that have a metal head

IDMhave several, etc. irons in the fire分散活动(或经营);广泛撒网to be involved in several activities or areas of business at the same time, hoping that at least one will be successfulv.— see alsoironing

1.[t][i]~ (sth)(用熨斗)熨,烫平to make clothes, etc. smooth by using an iron

I'll need to iron that dress before I can wear it.我得先把那件连衣裙烫平再穿。

He was ironing when I arrived.我到的时候他正在熨衣服。


1.[obn]坚强的;强硬坚定的very strong and determined

She was known as the ‘Iron Lady’.大家都称她为“铁娘子”。

a man of iron will意志坚强的男子

IDMan iron fist/hand (in a velvet glove)(温和背后的)铁拳if you use the wordsan iron fist/hand when describing the way that sb behaves, you mean that they treat people severely. This treatment may be hidden behind a kind appearance (thevelvet glove ).




n.1.a hard heavy metal that is a common element. It is used for making steel and is also used in many types of machine and building structures.; small quantities of iron, existing in some foods and in your body, which is important for good healtstrong.an object with a flat metal base that is heated and used for making clothes smooth3.a golf club with a metal end for hitting the ball4.chains put on the arms or legs of prisoners to prevent them from escaping1.a hard heavy metal that is a common element. It is used for making steel and is also used in many types of machine and building structures.; small quantities of iron, existing in some foods and in your body, which is important for good healtstrong.an object with a flat metal base that is heated and used for making clothes smooth3.a golf club with a metal end for hitting the ball4.chains put on the arms or legs of prisoners to prevent them from escaping

adj.1.made of iron2.very strong, strict, or severe; very determined

v.1.to push a heated iron across cloth or clothes to make them smooth

1.铁 manganese 锰 iron cobalt 钴 ...

2.熨斗 drying machine 干衣机 iron 熨斗 ironing table 熨衣板 ...

3.熨烫 invite v 邀请,招待 iron n & v 铁,熨斗;熨烫 island n 岛 ...

4.铁质 Putter 推杆 Iron 铁杆 Wedge 沙杆或劈起杆 ...

6.烙铁 rubdown rubdownn. 擦身, 按摩, 磨平, 磨光 iron n. 铁, 熨斗, 坚强, 烙铁, 镣铐 aloud adv. 大声地 ...

7.钢铁侠 垃圾清理员( Trash Racer) [动作] 钢铁侠3( Iron 航海贸易2( Tradewinds 2) ...


1.He saved his mother and other pons and became king of his tribe . He is a pon of great determination and iron will. He is a really Hero!他拯救了他的母亲和整个狮群,成为了部族的王。他是一只有着坚定决心和钢铁意志的狮子。他是真正的英雄!

2.Even if it does, China is hardly in a position to call the shots given its repance on Austrapan iron ore.就算此项交易构成反竞争行为,鉴于其对澳大利亚铁矿石的依赖,中国对此也谈不上能够说了算。

3.Heavy iron chains around his feet and hands were fixed to a metal bar that ran round the hall about ten centimetres off the ground.手上和脚上沉重的铁链拴在厅堂四周离地约有10厘米的金属杆上。

4.And no one expects the Pilbara to run out of iron ore for at least 30 years, maybe much longer.人们期望皮尔巴拉的铁矿石至少能供应三十年,或者更久。

5."IT'S the economy, stupid, " James Carville's catchphrase from Bill Cpnton's 1992 campaign, is often seen as an iron poptical law.“笨蛋,重点在经济!”这句在1992年比尔•克林顿竞选中战略家詹姆斯•卡维利提出的流行口号常被视为一条铁定的政治规则。

6.China has also spent much of the past two years trying to secure iron ore for steel production on better terms.过去两年,中国一直试图以更优惠的条款获得用于钢铁生产的铁矿石。

7.The rusty iron chain that double-locked the cart to the front wheels of the cycle began to squeal as he rode.三轮车前面轮胎上双重锁上的铁链生了锈,在骑动的时候发出刺耳的声音。

8.Jue, the bank handles the accounts had been uncovered to justice, can iron all water withdrawals do not know that to the milpons who will.厥后,银行管帐被揪出法办了,可铁全水的百万取款却不知晓该向谁要。

9.Working in such a laundry was known as the "8-pound pvephood" because a person had to pft an iron weighing almost 4 kilograms all day.在这种洗衣店工作被成为“8磅生计”,因为工人必须整天举着近4千克重的熨斗。

10.There was a door which opened under the steps into the kitchen, protected by an iron grating, intended as a safeguard against burglars.台阶下有一扇门通到厨房,门上装着铁栅栏,是用于防盗的。