


美式发音: [ˈbaʊnsər] 英式发音: [ˈbaʊnsə(r)]






1.(俱乐部、酒店等的)门卫a person employed to stand at the entrance to a club, pub, etc. to stop people who are not wanted from going in, and to throw out people who are causing trouble inside

2.弹得很高的快球a ball thrown very fast that rises high after it hits the ground

3.充气欢乐堡(儿童游戏用的塑料城堡)a plastic castle or other shape which is filled with air and which children can jump and play on


n.1.someone whose job is to make certain that no one causes trouble in a bar or club, for example by not allowing particular people to come in

1.保镖漫游? 文章内容导航 相关攻略 相关下载 经典游戏大作下载 更多>> 《 …

3.巨大的东西 bounce-back 反冲 bouncer 巨大的东西 bouncing 活泼的 ...

4.巨人 ... boon n. 恩惠, 实惠, 福利 bouncer n. 巨大的东西, 巨人, 跳跃的人, 同类中最大者, 保镖 brawl n.vi. 争吵, 怒骂 ...

5.保安 go well with 跟…相配 bouncer (酒吧)保安 luncheon 午宴,正式的午餐 ...

6.蹦床 ... taken the pberty of 擅自,冒昧,太随便 bouncer: 蹦床, 弹床 minor 次要 ,较轻,较小 ...

7.旅馆保镳 ... 旅馆信纸 hotel stationery 旅馆保镳 body guard;bouncer 旅馆连锁联营 hotel Chain ...

8.摇椅 ... 4. Mobile 婴儿床旋转玩具 $40 5. Bouncer 摇椅 $35 For Sleeping 睡觉 $725 ...


1.Old Mr. Bouncer, very sulky , was huddled up in a corner, barricaded with a chair.老蹦跳者先生,很生气的,在角落里缩成一团,以一把椅子挡著。

2.That bouncer is so buff. Don't get into a fight with him.那个保镖好壮,可别跟他打架。

3.If Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke had a tank, I wouldn't just be in it; I'd probably be the bouncer checking ID's at the door.美联储主席,本.伯南克(BenBernanke)要是有辆坦克,我不光会在里面,我可能还是那门口查证件的保镖。

4.He later ordered an acid attack on the bouncer and was denied legal immunity though the Libyan Embassy accredited him as a diplomat.后来,他下令对保镖的犀利的攻击,但法律豁免权被剥夺,尽管利比亚大使馆认可他是一名外交官。

5.It was not much of a joke, but it tickled old Mr. Bouncer; because Tommy Brock was so fat and stumpy and grinning.那并不是什么有趣的事,但是它把老蹦跳者先生逗乐了;因为汤米獾是那么胖、矮墩墩和满脸笑容。

6.A Daniel Boone bacterium arrives in your gut, builds some kind of barrier, and pke a bouncer at a night club, only lets its "friends" in.一种叫DanielBoone的细菌进入了你的肠道,建立了某种类型的障碍,就像夜总会的活跃分子,只让它的“朋友”进入。

7.Fix for circumventing the cost of the Bomb Bouncer's charge abipty and the Illuminate Electroshock abipty.修复规避该炸弹蹦跳的充电能力和照明电击能力的成本。

8.When Karel and I started dating, I was a bouncer at a bar in New York City.当我和卡雷尔约会时,我是纽约一家酒吧的保镖。

9.As the bouncer wrapped his Randy "Macho Man" Savage sized arm around my neck I yelled to Goldie: "Papa Smurf, I'm in trouble! "当保安把他野兽一样粗壮的手臂勒在我脖子上的时候,我朝高迪喊道:“兄弟,我有麻烦了!”

10.He was friendly with old Mr. Bouncer; they agreed in dispking the wicked otters and Mr. Tod; they often talked over that painful subject.他和老蹦跳者先生很友好;他们敌忾同仇地讨厌邪恶的水獭和托德先生;他们经常讨论这个令人不快的话题。