


美式发音: [ˈbaʊntɪf(ə)l] 英式发音: ['baʊntɪf(ə)l]




Adj.+n.bountiful harvest





1.大量的;巨大的in large quantities; large

a bountiful supply of food富足的食物供应

2.慷慨的;大方的giving generously

bepef in a bountiful god对宽宏的神的信仰

adj.1.宽宏大量的,慷慨的2.丰富的 (of)

adj.1.available in large quantities2.giving money, love, etc. generously

1.丰富 bounteous 慷慨的 bountiful 丰富,大方的 CATA down,complete 下降,完全 ...

2.慷慨的 boardroom n. (董事会的) 会议室 bountiful a. 慷慨的, 充足的 abound vi. 充满, …

3.丰富的 In the air 在流传中的;流行的 bountiful 丰富的;充裕的 There is no word 无法形容 ...

4.邦蒂富尔 Amiable 和蔼可亲 Bountiful 慷慨大方 Constant 恒久不变 ...

6.大方的 bounteous 慷慨的 bountiful 丰富,大方的 CATA down,complete 下降,完全 ...

7.丰盛的 a good income. 高收入 Bountiful: 丰盛的: a good table. 丰盛的一餐 ...

8.宽大的 boundless adj. 无限的,无边无际的 bountiful adj. 慷慨的,宽大的 bounty n. 慷慨,宽大,施舍,奖 …


1.But he said that farm output would be substantially stronger after bountiful monsoon rains, which are crucial for agriculture.但他表示,由于今年雨季降水充足(这对农业至关重要),农业产出将大幅提高。

2.But he said the world now needs coming harvests to be bountiful to help ease the pressure.但他也说,要想在一定程度上缓解价格压力,全球需要在未来的收获季节实现大丰收。

3.God intended for the seeds He planted to grow into a bountiful crop to be harvested in the autumn in the Garden of Eden.神原本意图祂在伊甸园所栽下的种子能够长成大片丰硕的稼禾,并在秋天收割。

4."You speak the truth, sire, " repped the young man, "for it never fails to bring me a most bountiful harvest. "“您所言极是,陛下,”年轻人说,“因为它总是让我收获颇丰。”

5.An easy-to-grow variety this floribunda rose is vigorous and and produces a bountiful supply of large porcelain-pink flowers.多花月季栽种容易,品种多样,生机勃勃,朵大花繁,是一种瓷粉红色花。

6.As though plowing and sowing, draw close to her; then await her bountiful crops.你要亲近她,就如耕田和播种的人,等待她的美果;

7.This rapid repair mechanism allows plants to take full advantage of the sun's bountiful energy without losing efficiency over time.这种快速修复机制能使植物不失时机地充分利用太阳那充裕的能量。

8.He imagined that as in Africa he had had to sit in a mosque wearing a burnous, in Moscow he must be gracious and bountiful as the Tsars .他想,正如在非洲需要被斗篷大氅坐在清真寺里一样,在莫斯科则要像沙皇一样仁慈。

9.The last bountiful yield comes from the garden, the late sweet corn, the tomatoes, the root vegetables.最后的丰收来自菜园,有晚熟的玉米,有西红柿,还有其他蔬菜。

10.Futures prices for wheat had begun to fall even before the ban, in anticipation of a bountiful spring harvest.因为春季丰收的原因,其实在禁令发布之前,小麦价格就已开始下滑了。