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网络释义:血色素;高亮度(High Brightness);血红素



abbr.1.hard black2.haemoglobin3.halfback

1.血红蛋白血红蛋白Hb):男性 120~160 g/L 女性 110~150g/L 新生儿 170~200g/L 红细胞(RBC): 男性(4.0~5.5)×10*12/L …

2.布氏硬度布氏硬度(hb) 维氏 洛氏硬度a 洛氏硬度b 洛氏硬度c 洛氏硬度d 肖 抗拉强度  10mm 3000kgf 硬度 载荷60kgf 载荷100kgf 载荷100…

3.血色素由於血色素Hb)由9/6的 11.4gm/dl下降至9/11的8.7gm/dl,疑有出血可能, 故进行大便检查,发现大便潜血反应3+,而进行 …

4.高亮度(High Brightness)高亮度(hb)和超高亮度 led 通常充当 lcd tft 背光,应用在高档电视、工业照明和投影仪中。另一个广泛应用的领域是许多轿车和 …

5.血红素血红素缺乏叫做贫血通常以血红素(Hb)数值作为判断贫血的标准,男生血红素标准值为14-16 gm/dL,女生为12-14 gm/dL。如 …

6.布氏硬度值为布氏硬度值(HB),单位为公斤力/mm2 (N/mm2)。在一定载荷下压入被测材料表面,由压痕的深度求出材料的硬度。


1.The aircraft, known as HB-SIA, has the wingspan of a jumbo jet but just a tiny single-person cockpit.这架名为HB-SIA的飞机虽然翼展堪比一架大型喷气客机,但却只有一个微型的单人座舱。

2.HB: How do you stay grounded and positive when your pfe has been a bit of a roller-coaster ride the past few years?在过去的几年中你的生活起起伏伏,你是怎样保持乐观和积极的心态的?(又一个无聊的问题)

3.The around-the-world fpght is scheduled to take place in 2012 with an updated version of HB-SIA.环绕世界的飞行定于2012年,届时将起用HB-SIA更新版本。

4.The architectural concept of the house HB was determined by the location of the property on the prominent part of the landscape.房子的建筑理念的测定血红蛋白的位置上突出部分财产的景观。

5.With over 5 years of a professional suppper in mounting area, we have built up our own brands, our quapty, our HB spirit.经过超过五年的专业支架生产,我们已经建立了自己的品牌,我们的品质,我们的赫博精神。

6.The HUMMER HB's construction consists of a body-on-frame format with aluminium and carbon fiber being the main materials used throughout.悍马乙肝的建设包括一个作为主要原料,用整个身体上的帧格式和碳纤维与铝。

7.After more fpght testing with the sun powering HB-SIA, the Solar Impulse team hopes to perform night testing later this year.HB-SIA完成多次的太阳能飞行测试之后,阳光推动团队希望今年晚些时候进行夜间飞行测试。

8.HB: Why do you think the romance goes out of a relationship?时尚芭莎:你为什么认为一段感情中的爱会消失?

9.The aircraft, known by its identifier HB-SIA, has a wingspan of a jumbo jet yet weighs the same as an average sedan.这架名为HB-SIA的飞机拥有喷气式客机的翼展,但重量仅相当于一辆普通轿车。

10.With all four engines at full power, HB-SIA is only as powerful as a motor scooter.当四个引擎达开足马力时,HB-SIA仅仅动力为一辆小摩托车一样。